Multi-Chain NFT Marketplace: How to Launch Your NFT Marketplace On Different Chains?

Scott Rollins
Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readApr 22, 2022

The emergence of NFTs has left its mark in various arenas. This has significantly increased the demand for NFTs among people. People are pouring out their interests in buying and trading NFTs. Considering the fortunes, the NFTs will bring to them, the investors are swarming into the NFT market. When the sales of NFTs are scaling up, you need competitive NFT platforms that can propel in proffering eye-popping services for people. Still, depending on one or two major blockchains will be an old-school idea. Opting from them will narrow down their growth and affect interoperability.

The solution for this challenge is to build a solid NFT platform that can accommodate multiple NFT networks. This makes it open for NFTs from any blockchain to get traded on the platform. This blog will be a great eye-opener for NFT marketplace development on multiple blockchain networks.

What Are The Different Blockchain Networks For Developing An NFT Marketplace?

When it comes to NFT marketplaces, they are built on blockchain networks that will monitor the platform and flow of the NFTs. The blockchain network instituted in the platform will record all information about their history, transactions, and ownership details. When a piece of information is stored in the digital ledgers of blockchain, it cannot be manipulated or replicated by any unforeseen forces.

As you all know, there are numerous blockchain networks. These blockchains are more advanced than each other in some way or the other. NFT platforms are performing with the support of these blockchain technologies. Here let me list out some of the reliable blockchain networks available for NFT marketplace development.


Polygon NFT Marketplace

The Polygon Matic blockchain operates using the Ethereum blockchain and links Ethereum-based projects. When employed in platforms, it enhances the flexibility, scalability, and sovereignty of the blockchain networks. It never compromises with other important features like interoperability, security, and structural benefits of Ethereum. It is powered with MATIC tokens that are built on ERC-20. Polygon is known for governing and securing the Polygon network while carrying out the transactions.

When developing an NFT marketplace with Polygon, it will eventually lower the gas fee and transaction fee between the users. The four layers of Polygon will swiftly secure the entire networks and data of the NFT marketplaces. So it will be a reliable option for your NFT marketplace.


Ethereum is the first decentralized open-source blockchain with smart contracts functionality. It is a community-built technology behind Cryptocurrency called Ether(ETH). It receives its security from decentralized blockchain technology. However, Ethereum is the most preferred blockchain technology in the globe as they are known for their reliability and security. It also charges a high gas fee for the users.

Ethereum had this vision to utilize blockchain technology for decentralizing payment networks. It also focused on storing the codes to power tamper-proof decentralized financial contracts. Most NFT platforms you find today are built using the Ethereum blockchain. Developing an NFT marketplace on Ethereum will promise you high stability and scalability.

Binance Smart Chain

NFT Marketplace on BSC

Binance Smart Chain is considered as the layer 1 blockchain of Binance. BSC is an open-sourced and decentralized blockchain network that concentrates on bringing in both programmability and interoperability. The network supports EVM-compatible smart contracts and protocols. Very recently, it was rebranded as a BNB (Build and Build) chain with several advancements.

Entrepreneurs prefer NFT marketplace development on BSC because of its speed and fewer gas fees. The platform follows a simple UI, and the mining process makes it highly preferable for them. BSC comes with its native NFT tokens called the BEP-721 and BEP-1155. By linking with BSC, the platform gets facilitated with features like minting, selling, buying, and bidding.


NFT Marketplace on TRON

TRON is a blockchain-based decentralized platform that employs its own Cryptocurrency called Tronix or TRX. It focuses on building a strong platform where peer-to-peer technology aims at eliminating third parties. TRON catalyzes the speed of the transactions and helps people in carrying their transactions in a blink of an eye. It is capable of processing around 2000 transactions per second.

It is highly used in building large applications as they are highly scalable and secured. The Metadata extension interface of TRON is an added advantage that will permit the smart contracts to verify the name and other details about the NFTs. TRON-based NFT marketplace development will also be an ideal option as it will be a reliable solution.

Multi-Chain NFT Platforms — What Is Its Future?

As we have discussed the various blockchain networks, now it’s time to know about developing a multi-chain NFT marketplace. The Multi-chain NFT platform is all about employing more than one blockchain network. The NFT market is becoming highly competitive, and still getting stuck with an NFT marketplace with one or two major blockchains will never work.

You need a much more advanced NFT marketplace. With an advanced solution like this, you can also launch a multi-chain NFT platform.

Multi-chain NFTs are non-fungible tokens developed in various platforms using two or more blockchain technologies. These multi-chain NFTs are developed in the major blockchains in the crypto space. This earns the NFTs a choice to survive on numerous platforms that support different blockchain networks.

NFT marketplaces face several limitations that will stop them from reaching higher reaches. Generally, the NFT platforms are developed in one blockchain network that will accept NFTs from similar blockchains for trading smoothly. Interoperability is one of the major components of NFTs, and this can be encouraged only through cross-chain blockchains. The multi-chain NFT marketplace development comes with building a competitive NFT marketplace with two or more blockchains.

These platforms enable the users to develop NFTs using multiple blockchain technologies. This means people can use any native tokens to tokenize the NFTs. Questioning their future, several companies based on Decentralized Finance are focusing on developing and supporting multiple chain NFT platforms. They believe that through these blockchains, they would address the challenges of interoperability, reliability, energy consumption, and sustainability.

Wrap Up

Are you gearing up for a debut in the NFT space? Sharpen your ideas and start working on developing a strong NFT marketplace for starting your venture. Opting for a multi-chain NFT platform will be one of the reliable options. You can right now start with planning to launch multi-chain NFT platform.



Scott Rollins
Geek Culture

Crypto/NFT Investor and Crypto Business Consultant | Helped a number of entrepreneurs in launching their crypto/NFT startup by providing right solutions.