My Expert Project SetUp, Layered Onion Architecture

Fred Grott
Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readAug 4, 2021


This is an opinionated way to set up a Flutter project structure based on service-oriented onion layered OOP app architecture. Over time this will be a collection of about 15 articles on Flutter project set up.


When I say Onion Layered Architecture, I am not referring to the DevOps term of Onion Layered Architecture. As that DevOPS term refers to more team structures and processes rather than Onion Layered App OOP architecture which is the term I am talking about in this article.

Onion Layered OOP APP architecture came out of the services module movement. Those that use adaptors often refer to it as a Hexagon OOP APP structure or even Clean Architecture. All these terms mean the same thing, in that we are separating concerns to make them easy to test.

What is the challenge?

What Is The Challenge

The challenge is that other than the OOP tricks to make things fully 100% testable is how do we use a flat 2d-project structure to represent these complex layers without losing the concepts in the project structure imperfections.

