My Favorite Pentest Tools (Top 15)

From Asset Discovery to Directory/File Brute-Forcing to Password Cracking

Alex Rodriguez
Geek Culture


Handy Mandy

Hello, World! In this article, I’ll show you some of my favorite penetration testing tools. I will not be demonstrating how to install these tools or how to use them but I will give a brief explanation of their capabilities and what they are useful for. I will also include links to the tools repositories/websites which normally have clear installation instructions. I have listed the tools in the order they came to mind as I was writing this article so there is no particular ordering. Let’s do it!

Please do not use these tools for illegal purposes and make sure you have permission to use any of these tools against someone else's systems.

#1 Nmap / Masscan

The Masscan/Nmap workflow I recently began using is far more efficient than simply running Nmap against a large list of IP addresses. Masscan was built for speed and Nmap was built for accuracy. Combining the power of these tools creates an efficient, strategic network scanning workflow.

Tool Links:



Alex Rodriguez
Geek Culture

I am an Offensive Security Engineer @ Amazon who writes about cybersecurity and anything related to technology. Opinions are my own.