My First-Hand Experience With Bitcoin & Ethereum

When I bought in, how much I’ve made, thoughts about the future

Zane Fleming
Geek Culture


A post-fiat currency kind of world

Well, it’s official. For the past several months (and technically since the beginning of 2021) everyone and their mother has been talking about cryptocurrencies, altcoins, Bitcoin, Ethereum, blockchain, ledgers, wallets, HODLing, Doge, breakouts, rising wedges, and going to the moon. If that all sounds like Chinese to you, welcome. You’ve come to the right place.


If you have no idea what cryptocurrencies are, here’s the high-level explanation. If you already have some idea of what Bitcoin is, or you’re like an expert or something, go ahead and skip down to the next section.

Let’s take a step back and think about what money is in order to understand cryptocurrency. What is money? Money is a generally recognized medium of exchange for transactional purposes in an economy. Money is valuable because of the goods and services that it can procure for us.

If we stepped into a time machine and went back several thousands of years, we would be living in a bartering society. I see that you have some nice rugs and clothes that I want, so I’m going to give you two goats from my flock in exchange for them. You accept the goats because you need to eat.



Zane Fleming
Geek Culture

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