My Golang JSON Evaluation

Which lib should you use? Native, jsoniter, easyjson or go-json? And why?

Stefanie Lai
Geek Culture


JSON (Javascript Object Notation), a prevailing data exchange format, is widely used in various platforms and languages. Golang, of course, will never miss the support for JSON. And with its own standard library, such as those interfaces like the REST API from the API Service in Kubernetes, it can easily process JSON.

Although Go’s library works great, we can still seek those open-source JSON libs in Github to maximize our efficiency. Then the features, performance, applicability of these libs are what we should put into consideration.

And here comes my “evaluation report.”


There are two steps when manipulating JSON with Go’s self-contained encode/json package.

  • Define the mapping. That is, mapping the field from struct to the corresponding JSON.
  • Serialization, achieving the conversion between JSON string and struct with Marshal or Unmarshalmethods.

An example is as follows.

