My Interview experience at MPL | React Native | Gaming Company

Vasanth Bhat
Geek Culture
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2022

MPL which stand for Mobile Premier League is an Indian Online gaming company which has a user base of 9 crores+ (90 Million+, when writing this article). Their scale was an aspiring opportunity for me, as there are very few apps, which has such a huge user base. So, I decided to apply for this opening and below is my interview experience.

MPL Image
Fig: Mobile Premier League

(In case if your someone who is preparing for JavaScript related technology interview preparation (ReactJS, React Native, NodeJS, AngularJS), please watch my YouTube video series which is attached below)

How I got interview call ?

I applied for the job opening on LinkedIn, within 2 days I got a call from their recruiter and my first round was setup. I must mention they had a sweet recruiting team who spoke to me very gently before and after every round.

Round — 1 (JavaScript fundamentals and React Native screen implementations)

First round here was dedicated to JavaScript fundamentals. The interviewer asked me lot of JavaScript basic questions, to summarise adding them below.

  1. Implement debouncing in JavaScript
  2. Implement throttling in JavaScript
  3. Given a nested array of arrays (Ex: [[1,2,3], 4, [5,6],[7,[8,9]]) you need to print all elements in sequential order. (Ex: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
  4. Function currying with infinite currying (Ex: sum(10)(20)(30)…..())
  5. Implement basic FlatList in React Native etc

By the time I attended this interview, I was interviewed by many companies, so these questions were kind of common and I answered all these questions and interviewer was very happy.

Round 2 (Basics of JavaScript and React Native)

I took this round 2–3 days after completing round 1. Can’t remember any specific questions asked in this round, this round was mainly based on Basics of React Native and JavaScript.

Round 3 (HR discussion)

This was a cultural fit round, HR explained lot of information about the company and she mentioned do’s and don’t inside the company. Nothing specific to mention about this round other then this.

Round 4 (Salary discussion)

By this time, I got an offer from other company, due to which I did not attend salary discussion round with MPL. Overall it was a great experience interviewed by MPL, bunch of good people building great product.

To prepare more about your interview watch my below video.

More articles from the same author:

  1. My interview experience at Reliance JIO.
  2. Make Get Request with Header to Render Image in React Native
  3. Is JavaScript Array.push() a Deep or Shallow Copy?
  4. How to flatten array of array in JavaScript

Read all articles by the author here.



Vasanth Bhat
Geek Culture

Mobile Application Developer at Walmart. 6+ years of Software experience, Scalability Specialist, Coffee lover, likes travelling and writing.