My top 6 ‘Similar, but different’ RxJS operators

Mahjoub Saifeddine
Geek Culture
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2021

Sharing my top 6 ‘Similar, but different’ RxJS operators


RxJS offers many operators to process data. Definitely, it’s a good thing, however, it can get confusing to choose the right operator in a particular case. So, If you’re not familiar with RxJS this may lead you to use the wrong operator.

In this post, I’m going to share my top 6 common ‘similar but different’ RxJS operators to help you save time by avoiding them.

single(), take(1) and first()

first(): Emits only the first value (or the first value that meets some condition) emitted by the source Observable or emits an error if the upstream is empty.

take(1): Limits the number of upstream items to 1 and no errors are emitted if the upstream is empty.

single(): Make sure upstream isn’t empty.

To sum up, we can say thatfirst == take(1).single() where take(1) limits the number of upstream items to 1 and single() makes sure upstream isn't empty.

map() vs switchAll() vs switchMap()

map(): Apply a projection to each value and emit that projection in the output Observable.

switchAll(): Takes a higher-order observable and subscribes to the most recently provided inner observable and unsubscribes the previously subscribed one.

switchMap(): Is the combination of map() and switchAll() .

zip() vs combineLatest() vs forkJoin()

zip(): Take a group of observables, Wait until all observables have emitted a value then emit all as an array.

combineLatest(): Like the zip(), combineLatest() will wait until all observables have emitted a value as an array. From there, it will emit an array each time one observable emits a value.

forkJoin(): Take a group of Observables, wait for them to complete emission and emit the final value of each Observable as an array.

merge() vs mergeAll() vs mergeMap()

merge(): Take a group of observables, and flatten them within one, so whenever any observable emits a value, the output will emit a value.

mergeAll(): Merge a group of inner observables emitted by one higher-order observable, and flatten them into one first-order output observable.

mergeMap(): Is the combination of map() and mergeAll() .

concat() vs concatAll() vs concatMap()

The same thing as merge(), mergeAll() and mergeMap(), except that with concat the Observable must complete before the next one starts emitting values.

window() vs buffer()

buffer(): Cache values emitted by an Observable and emit them as an array when the notifier emits.

window(): Subdivides the items from an Observable into nested Observables when the windowBoundaries emits.


Finally, Rx is a huge library that can help you handle complex asynchronous aspects of your application. In this post, I tried to clarify commonly used operators and group them by similarity.

