Nailing DataCamp’s Data Scientist Professional Certification

Prepare yourself for the exams DS101, DS201 and the practical exam

Wouter van Heeswijk, PhD
Geek Culture


Photo by Vasily Koloda on Unsplash

The DataCamp trajectory

DataCamp is a great way to build a data science foundation. This article explains how to complete the certification trajectory and solidify that foundation.

A number of months ago, I enrolled in the Data Scientist career track (Python) of DataCamp; an activity I pursued on the side. Sometimes I would spend an hour a day, other times I would not get around to it for a full month.

After finally completing the last lesson of the last course, I expected to receive the coveted virtual certificate, but it turned out there was one more hurdle to go: the examination.

Honestly, that was not something I looked forward too. I had taken pretty long to complete all courses, and the earlier ones were hardly fresh in memory. Studying for two time-constrained exams seemed daunting, so I postponed for a long time before finally having a go at it.

There are two forms of certification: Associate and Professional. The latter has a slightly more involved trajectory, but given you made it to this point, I wouldn’t see why to settle for the Associate certificate.



Wouter van Heeswijk, PhD
Geek Culture

Assistant professor in Financial Engineering and Operations Research. Writing about reinforcement learning, optimization problems, and data science.