PHP, what are dynamic properties?

Roberto Butti
Geek Culture
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2021

These days we hear a lot about dynamic properties in PHP and the possibility of it being deprecated by version 8.2, only to disappear from version 9.
The proposal is documented in a dedicated RFC, and it generated a lot of discussion specially on the social networks (like twitter etc.).

What are dynamic properties?

A property is an attribute/variable declared in a class. For example, $name is a property for class User. We can declare $name at the beginning of the class, and we can declare the visibility (in this case public) and we may declare the type of the property (in this case string):

class User {
public string $name;

In the methods of the class, we can access to the declared property:

class User {
public string $name;
public function __construct($name="") {
$this->name = $name;

Dynamic properties are property that are not declared in the class, but in the code in your class, you want to use a not declared property:

class User {
public string $name;
public function __construct($name="", $age = 0) {
$this->name = $name;
// Assigns the not existent property age
$this->age = $age;

In the example above, in the constructor method I accessed the age property, through $this->age. In this case PHP will create dynamically the property.

An example with dynamic property

class User {
public string $name;
public function __construct($name="", $age = 0) {
$this->name = $name;
// Assigns the not existent property age
$this->age = $age;
$user = new User;
// Assigns declared property User::$name.
$user->name = "foo";
// Oops, a typo:
$user->nane = "foo";
// PHP <= 8.1: Silently creates dynamic $user->nane property.
// PHP 8.2: Raises deprecation warning, still creates dynamic property.
// PHP 9.0: Throws Error exception.
echo $user->nane;

This example taken from and modified to add age parameter to show an example with a typo while you are accessing to the property. This is a “hidden” bug, because you think that you performed a correct assignment but at the end you have an unexpected behavior because of the typo (nane instead of name).

With the PHP 8.0 and 8.1, PHP will create a dynamic property named nane.

With PHP 8.2 you have a warning during the execution, but the dynamic property is created.

With PHP 9.0 you will have an exception.

What can you do today?

My strong suggestion is to use a code static analysis tool like PHPstan or Psalm.

With PHPstan you can execute it with level 2 to catch any dynamic property usage.

phpstan analyze --level=2 .

With the latest example you can have:

  • Access to an undefined property User::$age because of accessing age in the constructor;
  • Access to an undefined property User::$nane because the typo (nane instead of name).

My considerations

This is a great feature with the goal to improve the quality and lower the hidden mistakes.

This feature, could have a great negative impact on the existing code. Are we sure about that ?

Some considerations:

  • watching the roadmap of PHP 8 and the forecast, we can use PHP 8 for “legacy code” for years;
  • if you are using a static code analysis, probably your code doesn’t use dynamic property;
  • if you are not using static code, the first thing to do is launch phpstan with level 2.

So … welcome to “PHP RFC: Deprecate dynamic properties” and let’s prepare for the future ;)

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Roberto Butti
Geek Culture

I’m technophile. Vuejs and Laravel enthusiast! #vuejs #laravel. I love #coding