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Programming is Easy!

Programming is the formal expression of the logic of computation.

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13 min readNov 11, 2022


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Some feel that programming is very hard to learn it. For us in the software industry, it is very simple. Just need to know how to systematically learn to program.

Program = Data structure + algorithms

Data structure expresses how data is organized

The algorithm expresses the logical processing of data

  1. Program = data type + data operation + logical control operation
  2. Data type = string, lists, sort set, set, tuple, dictionary, etc
  3. Data operation = addition + subtraction + multiplication + division
  4. Logical control operation = If then else + or + Nor + loops + for + while, etc
  5. Algorithm = bubble sort + insertion sort + merge sort , etc

Besides, a programming language is important because we must know how to communicate with the computer and give commands to the computer. There are many types of programming languages. Different programming…

