Prompt Engineering Course by OpenAI — Prompting Guidelines

Get to know OpenAI’s Guidelines for Better Prompting

Andrea Valenzuela
Geek Culture


Image from Sixteen Miles Out in Unsplash. ChatGPT logo added on top.

OpenAI and the learning platform DeepLearning.AI just released a course on Prompt Engineering. The course is supposed to be free for a limited time, which is why I decided to do a series of articles on the take-home messages from the course, including only the most important examples and some additional information to help you boost your interactions with ChatGPT.

The course is mostly oriented to developers or ChatGPT API users, and it is focused on helping you generate better ChatGPT outputs for your custom application. Nevertheless, quite some of the prompting techniques can be also used when interacting with the chatbot by using the web interface.

In this first article, we will review some of the OpenAI guidelines for prompting that allow you to maximize ChatGPT’s output. These guidelines can be summarized in two principles: be clear and specific and give the model time to “think”.

The theory is clear, but let’s see how to apply those principles in practice!

Principle I: Be Clear and Specific



Andrea Valenzuela
Geek Culture

Software developer and data scientist - CERN🚀 | Writing about Computing, Data and Tech👩🏻‍💻 | Sharing tricks and experiences✨