Props Drilling v/s Context API Which One Is the Best

Is shortcut i.e context API only the best?

Harsh Makadia
Geek Culture
4 min readJan 27, 2021


Prop drilling vs Context API, How the data is passed

React was initially released in 2013 and one thing that hasn’t changed so far is the way data is passed with props in the nesting level. But the good news is there are some other ways in which data can be passed to the child from the parent. Context API is especially useful when you have multiple levels of the nested child.

Let’s start with the basics to get more ideas about it.

What is Props?

React is a library that helps us divide the UI into small reusable pieces which we call a component. In order to pass data between the components, we make use of Props. Data is passed to the component with the help of props.
Thus props help us pass the data from one component to another.

Now the data in props are read-only meaning it cannot be changed by the child who is consuming the data. Thus it is a unidirectional flow. (one way from parent to child). We can however pass data from child to parent making use of the function passing it via props.

What is Prop drilling?

Prop drilling refers to the passing of the data from the parent to all the nested children in the React Tree. Let’s look at the diagram above on how data has to be passed from parents to all its child.

When can prop drilling cause a problem?

1. Updating data format
Let’s assume that you passed data to the nested child and now you want to refactor the data that is passed for example

<Profile user="Harsh">

Let’s assume that we now need to pass an object as we also need to pass profile status if it’s expired or not. so here is how the component will look like

<Profile user={"name": "Harsh", "status": "Expired"}

During such cases, you have to change the data format which is accessed by each of them.

2. Renaming props
Let assume that later in the state of application there comes a time to rename the prop as you are removing some data or passing more. It has to be changed at all the places down the hierarchy.

Let’s take a look at how we can solve this problem by making use of React Context.

React Context

Context provides an awesome way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level in your application.

Context has 3 main blocks:

Context Object

You can define the Context object in a separate file or right next to a component in a component file if you wish. Having multiple contexts within the component is also possible. Thus you can store any data you want in the context object which will be accessed globally in your application.

Context Provider

The provider provides the values in all the components within the application that needs to access this context object.

Context Consumer

In the below example, the context is nothing but the values of the context object. All the values which we defined during creating the context object are easily accessed here. Yeah, it’s that easy!

When can context API cause a problem?

Unnecessary re-rendering in Application

Everything that consumes a context re-renders everytime that context’s state changes.

Though context API seems to be an amazing feature overusing it might lead to unnecessary re-rendering in your application whenever the state of the provider changes it will re-render all it’s the child no matter even if they are customing the data from the provider or not.


  • Context API is always a good choice when the data stored does not have frequent updates like dark/light mode (theme), profile picture details, account details, etc.
  • React is already fast and doesn’t need many optimizations, Most of the case prop drilling can be also a good choice to consider as it is easy from an implementation perspective
  • Try to keep the state of the app as close as to the render component.
  • There is no proper guide on whether you should go with prop drilling or context API, Just validate your code in terms of necessity, whether it is required to do or no and then proceed.

Happy Learning.



Harsh Makadia
Geek Culture

I talk about JavaScript, Web Development, No-code to help you stay ultra-modern. See you on Twitter —