Technology and Culture

Pushing Digital Transformation boundaries beyond Technology : A Radical Perspective

Why Organizational culture plays a key role in its digital transformation journey

Krishnadutt Panchagnula
Geek Culture


Digital transformation is a radical re-imagination of how an organization utilizes bleeding-edge technologies to fundamentally change their business models and performance. Implementing technology in both processes and products is key to digital transformation, as it is not just about implementing new technologies, but about fundamentally changing the way an organization functions.

Digital transformation is both digital and cultural. On the digital side, it involves the implementation of new technologies and the optimization of processes and systems to take advantage of those technologies. This can include things like cloud computing, data analytics, automation, and other cutting-edge technologies.

However, digital transformation is not just about the technology. It also involves a cultural shift within the organization. This includes things like customer-centricity, agility, continuous learning, unbounded collaboration, and an appetite for risk. These cultural changes are necessary to enable the organization to stay competitive in an increasingly digital world.

Current Digital transformation is based on Digital — implementing new technologies but not on transformation — which is about how we function as individuals in a social setting. Lots of companies are implementing these cool ideas of DEVOPS while there is no change fundamentally in how they work/function.

Why should we care about Digital Transformation:

As technology advances, it is essential to change the way we live, work, and do business. Organizations that fail to adapt to these changes will struggle to stay competitive and may eventually be left behind.

Digital transformation is not just about implementing new technologies, but about fundamentally changing the way an organization functions.

This includes optimizing processes, products, systems, and organizational structure to take advantage of the latest technologies. By embracing digital transformation, organizations can improve their business performance, reduce costs, and increase efficiency.

Digital transformation can also help organizations improve their customer experience. By using technology to collect and analyze data, organizations can better understand their customers and provide personalized, relevant products and services. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Characteristics for Digital transformation culture:

  1. Customer - Centricity: In the past, organizations would implement the same transformation strategies for all of their customers. However, this one-size-fits-all approach is no longer effective. Today’s organizations must consider each customer’s unique vision and goals, and create personalized transformation strategies that align with those goals.
  2. Agility: In a rapidly-changing world, organizations must be able to pivot quickly and adapt to new situations. Hierarchical structures, while useful for reliability, can be a hindrance to agility. As such, many organizations are adopting agile methodologies and flattening their hierarchies to enable faster decision-making and response times.
  3. Continuous learning : As technology and the world around us change rapidly, organizations must be able to adapt and learn new skills and knowledge. This requires a culture of curiosity and a willingness to try new things. Organizations are hiring and working with individuals who are open to new ideas and ready to build new products and services.
  4. Unbounded collaboration: In the past, teams within organizations would often work in silos, with limited communication and collaboration across teams. Today, organizations are fostering cultures that encourage and incentivize cross-team collaboration. This cross-functional knowledge sharing leads to more innovation and better results.
  5. Appetite for risk: Many of the most exciting innovations are created at the edge of what is currently known. This requires organizations to venture into unknown territories, which can be risky. However, by fostering a culture of intelligent failure (failures that occur when trying to do new things) and minimizing preventable failures (failures due to sloppy work), organizations can improve their appetite for risk and drive innovation.

Actions to imbibe cultural change towards digital transformation:

  1. Communicate the importance and benefits of digital transformation: Employees may be resistant to change, especially if they do not understand why it is necessary. By communicating the importance and benefits of digital transformation, organizations can help employees understand why it is necessary and how it will benefit the organization and its customers.
  2. Encourage and reward experimentation: Digital transformation requires a culture of continuous learning and experimentation. Organizations should encourage employees to try new things and should reward them for their efforts, even if those efforts don’t always lead to success.
  3. Foster collaboration and knowledge sharing: Digital transformation often involves cross-functional collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and expertise across teams. Organizations should foster a culture that encourages and incentivizes collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  4. Provide training and support: Digital transformation can be a daunting process, especially for employees who are not familiar with the latest technologies. Organizations should provide training and support to help employees learn new skills and adapt to the changes brought about by digital transformation.
  5. Create a positive, inclusive culture: Digital transformation can be stressful and disruptive, especially for employees who may feel threatened by the changes it brings. Organizations should strive to create a positive, inclusive culture that supports and empowers employees during the transformation process.

The future of digital transformation is uncertain, but it is likely that technology will continue to advance and play an increasingly important role in our lives and in business. Organizations must continue to embrace digital transformation in order to stay competitive and adapt to the changing digital landscape. By taking steps to improve the social culture around digital transformation, organizations can make it easier for employees to adapt to the changes brought about by digital transformation.



Krishnadutt Panchagnula
Geek Culture

Cloud DevOps engineer, who builds secure and scalable solutions.Explorer of Cultures. History buff.