Python, Julia & Rust Comparison

A comparison of 3 modern programming languages

Yancy Dennis
Geek Culture


Python, Julia, and Rust are three programming languages that have some similarities and some significant differences. Here is a more detailed comparison of these languages, including examples to illustrate some of their key features and characteristics:


  • Python has a simple, readable syntax that is often described as “executable pseudocode.” It uses indentation to denote blocks of code and does not require the use of curly braces or semicolons. Here is an example of a simple function in Python:
Photo by Marie P on Unsplash
def greet(name):
print("Hello, " + name + "!")


Julia has a syntax that is similar to Python, but it also includes some features from languages like C and Fortran. For example, Julia allows the use of semicolons to separate statements and the use of curly braces to denote blocks of code. Here is an example of a simple function in Julia:

function greet(name)
println("Hello, $name!")


Rust has a syntax that is similar to C++, with some additional features to support its strong static typing and memory safety. Rust uses curly braces to denote blocks of code and semicolons to separate statements. It also has a strong focus on…

