React Native: Unable to load script: index. android.bundle

Leo N
Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readJun 11, 2021


1. Identify the problems

👉 Step 1: I am using React Native version 0.63.2 like below, and I want to build an android app by using Fastlane for CI/CD integration.

👉 Step 2: When setup Fastlane, I create platform :android 😃 with 2 lanes: the first one is nextVersionCode, and deploy_to_drive lane. Inside the main lane, I just call Gradle task: “assembleDebug”, which means that I want to build an apk file in debug mode and give it to Testers.

Step 3: Navigate to the root project folder and run the command:

fastlane android deploy_to_drive



Leo N
Geek Culture

🎓 “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” — Albert Einstein