Redux Toolkit RTK in react js web and react-native applications — Simplify redux with react

Saurabh Shah
Geek Culture
Published in
7 min readSep 27, 2021


Last updated: Oct 02, 2021.

Redux ToolKit (RTK)
(RTK implementation and async thunk with RTK)
Please buy me a coffee if this is helpful buy me a coffee.

Why RTK (Redux Toolkit)?

  • Simplifies the redux implementation.
  • All feature related reducers, actions, state at one place in one file making it easy to understand and maintain.
  • No action.type constants required anymore (managed internally)
  • OOTB support for Thunk & Redux Dev Tools.

What else do you want? 😃

Why this story on RTK?

  • This is especially to understand how to handle side-effects, apis, async logic in actions & for createAsyncThunk.


  1. Redux Toolkit integration.
  2. What is Slice?
  3. How to create a new state in store?
  4. Async requests / REST APIs within actions. (Inspiration for this story)
  5. Demo



Saurabh Shah
Geek Culture

Solutions architect in IT organization. Experience on wide range of solutions for web and mobile apps with cloud integration.