Remitano Clone script — Instant P2P Exchange Platform Solution For Startups

Nella Olive
Geek Culture
Published in
6 min readMar 3, 2022

Welcome to the exciting world of cryptocurrency! If you’ve been exploring the potential of crypto platforms, you’re likely eager to create a thriving crypto exchange. For startups and newbies, the smartest way to jumpstart your venture is by opting for a clone script. Among the best options available is the Remitano clone script.

Remitano Clone Script

In a centralized crypto exchange platform, all your trading details and transactions are maintained by a third party. Now, let’s delve into Peer-to-Peer (P2P) exchanges like Remitano, specifically focusing on the powerful solution known as the Remitano clone script.

Overview of Remitano

Remitano is a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) centralized crypto exchange platform where all trades occur directly between buyers and sellers. Launched in 2016, the Remitano platform features a unique escrow system. This system holds funds or assets during a transaction and releases them only when predefined conditions are met. When a trade is initiated, the cryptocurrency is automatically placed into the Remitano escrow wallet. The crypto assets remain securely in the escrow wallet until the transaction between the buyer and seller is confirmed and satisfactorily completed.

Now let’s see the possible ways of developing a Remitano clone script in the upcoming.

Two Ways to Create a P2P Exchange Like Remitano

When it comes to creating a P2P exchange like Remitano, there are essentially two methods. Let’s dive into both approaches in detail.

Method 1: Building from Scratch

Developing a crypto exchange like Remitano from scratch means starting from the very beginning. This involves hiring a company to tailor every aspect to your specific requirements and deciding on the appropriate blockchain technology. You need to consider, Front-End and Back-End Development. Fresh development work is required for both the front-end and back-end.

  • UI/UX Design: A user-friendly and visually appealing UI/UX design is crucial as it significantly impacts user attraction and retention.
  • Time Frame: The entire process can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months.
  • Cost: Be prepared to invest heavily, with costs around $1,00,000

As you can see, building from scratch is a time-consuming and expensive process. For newcomers with big dreams but limited budgets, this method can be daunting. But don’t worry, there’s another path you can take.

Method 2: Opting for a Remitano Clone Script

Remitano clone script is a solution that will be as impressive and more efficient at the same time. Here’s why opting for a clone script might be the perfect fit for you:

  • Exact Replica: The Remitano clone software functions just like the original Remitano crypto exchange platform.
  • Customization: Want to offer unique features or additional benefits? No problem. You can work with your clone script provider to customize the platform to meet your specific needs.
  • Cost-Effective: The cost of creating a Remitano clone software is significantly lower, ranging from $10,000 to $15,000. Amazing, right?

“Why reinvent the wheel when you can have a proven, robust solution at a fraction of the cost?”

Opting for a clone script doesn’t mean compromising on quality or performance. It’s a smart, strategic choice that offers the best of both worlds: a high-standard product that’s fully customizable to your vision.
In short, if you’re looking to launch your own crypto exchange, then the Remitano clone script offers a practical and cost-effective alternative to building from scratch. It ensures you get a high-quality, customizable platform without any flaws.

First, let me explain what a Remitano clone script is in detail. This will give you a holistic understanding of the topic.

What is Remitano Clone Script?

Remitano Clone Script is a pre-fabricated software solution that works perfectly with the features and functionalities of a peer-to-peer platform like Remitano along with a full customization option. The clone script also works with the same support of the escrow system. In short, it is a replication of the Remitano platform.

Now, if you are considering buying or implementing an exchange platform like Remitano, you should be aware of the revenue streams that can complement your exchange platform, right? Have you thought about this question: “Does launching a Remitano clone software yield that much revenue?” To answer this part of your thoughts, read ahead…

Revenue streams of Remitano Exchange Clone Script

Want to know about the potential of your crypto exchange? Here are the key revenue streams that can boost your profits. Let’s dive into each one in detail:

  • Transaction Fees
  • Withdrawal Fee
  • Margin Trading Fee
  • Advertisement
  • Staking Fee
  • Premium Features
  • Listing Fees
  • Fiat Integration Fees
  • Minting Fees
  • Advertisements

Transaction Fees

By creating your own marketplace, you can collect trading fees whenever a person buys or sells on the platform. The amount you get is based on the percentage of the trade amount taking place.

Withdrawal Fees

Further, you can charge fees whenever the users withdraw funds from your platform to their personal wallets or bank accounts. Further, you can collect fees for even depositing funds into your platform.

Listing Fees

You can collect fees for listing tokens on your platform. This fee covers the costs of reviewing, listing, and maintaining the crypto on your platform.

Margin Trading Fees

If any of your users engage in margin trading, then they need to pay interest on the funds borrowed for trading. By this, you can earn fees for margin trading.


By creating an Exchange platform like Remitano, you can earn revenue by charging fees for selling ad space on the platform’s website or app. Additionally, you can charge fees for promoting their coins or tokens in the user’s project within the platform.

Staking Fee

A portion of the staking rewards earned by users can be taken as a fee by the platform. In short, you can gain a staking fee by creating a Remitano crypto exchange.

Premium Features

Remitano clone scripts offer premium features or subscription plans for advanced trading tools, enhanced security features, or extreme customer support. You can charge a subscription fee for accessing these premium features.

Fiat Deposit/withdraw Fees

You can impose fees on users when they deposit or withdraw fiat currencies on your platform. Further, If your platform supports multiple fiat currencies, you can charge a conversion fee for exchanging one currency for another.

By implementing a combination of these revenue streams, a Remitano clone software can become a profitable business solution, attracting a wide range of users from casual traders to potential investors.

Let’s take a look at some of the incredible features of the Remitano Clone Script…

Remitano Clone Script — Cost Estimation:

Take a look at the cost for each component of developing a fully functional Remitano Clone Script.

Cost Estimation Of Remitano Clone Script

Features of Remitano Clone Script

Before getting the script, you need to check the features that come along with it. This is crucial because the features available in the exchange will determine the success rate of your P2P exchange business. Additionally, it showcases the uniqueness of your P2P exchange platform in the global market. Enabling cutting-edge features in the Remitano clone software will help you stay ahead of your competitors.

Here is the list of features that you can get in the Remitano clone software as a complete package.

Admin modules

  • Dashboard
  • View user details
  • Commission settings
  • Payment gateway integration
  • Dispute management system
  • KYC management

User modules

  • User sign-in/sign-up
  • Proximity match
  • Crypto wallet integration
  • Crypto Deposit/Withdrawal history
  • Raise dispute
  • Create Buy/Sell advertisements
  • User-to-user exchange BUY/SELL

Security features

  • Jail Login Guard
  • SMS/Email verification
  • CSRF protection
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Escrow protection
  • HTTPS Authentication
  • SSL Encryption/ SQL Integration

By incorporating these power-packed features, you can transform your p2p exchange platform to the next level. Additionally, you can modify these features as you wish before deploying the exchange. This helps you easily attract a wide range of crypto users globally.

Final Thoughts — Where to Get the Best Remitano Clone Script?

By now, you’re probably eager to find the best company to help you develop a crypto exchange platform like Remitano. A quick search might yield hundreds of results, but trust is built with only a few. Finding a reliable Remitano clone software provider requires thorough research. Look for a provider with extensive experience in the field. Here’s a checklist to help you choose the right partner:

  • Demo: Request a demo of their clone script to ensure it meets your expectations.
  • Feedback and Reviews: Check customer reviews and testimonials to gauge their reputation.
  • Experience: Consider their years of experience in the industry.
  • Technology Stack: Make sure they use a robust and up-to-date technology stack.
  • Features: Ensure the script includes all the essential features you need.

Remember, this provider will not just be your software provider, they will also be your technical support partner. Therefore, partnering with a professional and trustworthy crypto exchange clone script provider is highly advisable.

Choose wisely, and pave the way for a successful crypto exchange platform!!



Nella Olive
Geek Culture

Cryptocurrency enthusiast | Professional Cryptocurrency advisor | Blockchain Technology | Crypto Marketing Strategist | Digital Influencer