Rethinking Dependency Injection in TypeScript

Comparing named-injection, constructor-injection, and property-injection

Garrett Mills
Geek Culture
9 min readMar 30, 2021


This post originally appeared on my blog, here.

A snippet from @extollo/di’s Inject decorator.

Anyone who has read this blog before knows that I have a particular interest in dependency injection and inversion-of-control paradigms.

Over the last few years, I’ve implemented DI in JavaScript for various projects, and I’m currently in the process of rewriting my framework and its DI implementation, so I wanted to share some observations about different JavaScript/TypeScript DI strategies.

In particular, we’ll explore named-injection, constructor-injection, and property-injection.

Named Injection

My first foray into DI in JavaScript relied on purely-runtime code and allowed injecting services from a container by name:

This was a fairly efficient and scalable paradigm, and defining the services as a property on the class itself made it easy to account for the services required by parent classes:

In fact, this mechanism was reliable enough that it became the basis of the injector used in my Flitter framework.


This method is not without its downsides, however. For one, all classes must extend a common Injectable base class. If your class extends from, say, a base class from a library, then it can’t be injected directly.

Likewise, relying on service names makes it hard to know exactly what’s being injected into your class. Especially as I am transitioning more projects and my framework over to TypeScript, relying on named-injection just wasn’t going to cut it. This would require referencing properties with the any type annotation:

Relying on named services also makes the injectable classes inflexible, as the services have to be injected into properties with the same name. Say, for example, I have a service called models, and a class that uses it. If that class wants to keep an array called models, it will conflict with the injected service:

Because a named-injector would have to bypass type-safety, this could lead to a situation where the TypeScript compiler types models as Model[], but the injector overrides it to be the injected models service, which would cause runtime errors.

Constructor Injection

Since we’re working in TypeScript, we want to do away with named-injection entirely. The TypeScript compiler has a flag which, when enabled, emits the type metadata for classes and properties, making it available via the Reflection API.

This is useful because it effectively enables “naming” a dependency based on its type, rather than an arbitrary string. So, when defining typed injectable classes, each property contains two pieces of information, rather than just one.

Likewise, we can enable the experimental “decorators” functionality, which can allow us inject any arbitrary class rather than requiring it to extend a base Injectable class. For example:

Anyone who has used the Angular framework is familiar with this format. The Angular DI historically worked this way, using type reflection to handle injection. Nowadays, it uses its custom compiler to handle injection at compile time, but that’s beyond the scope of this writeup.

How does this work?

Okay, so we have a decorator and some type annotations. But, how do we actually do the injection from that?

The key is that Injectable decorator. In essence, this decorator is a function that accepts the class it decorates. Then, this function uses the reflect-metadata package to get a list of type annotations for the constructor’s parameters, then stores that information as additional metadata.

Here’s a (simplified) example from the Extollo DI (Flitter’s TypeScript successor):

In essence, all this decorator does is read the type annotations from the class’ meta-data and store them in a nicer format in its own meta-data key (DEPENDENCY_KEYS_METADATA_KEY).

Instantiating the Class

Okay, so we have the type annotations stored in meta-data, but how do we actually inject them into the class? This is where the container comes in.

In our old paradigm, the container was a class that mapped service names (another_service) to factories that created the service with that name. (e.g. another_service to instanceof AnotherService). In the type-based system, the container is a class that maps types to factories that create the service with that type.

This result is very strong as it enables type-safe injection. In the example above, the “token”, ModelsService is mapped to an instance of the ModelsService by the container.

So, when we ask the container to inject and create an instance of our SomethingThatUsesModels class, the container goes through all the items in the DEPENDENCY_KEYS_METADATA_KEY meta-data key and resolves them. Then, it passes those instances into the new class to instantiate it. For a (simplified) example:

So, we can instantiate our SomethingThatUsesModels class like so:


The constructor-injection paradigm works well and addresses many of the features we cared about between named-injection. In particular:

  • Provides type-hinted injection
  • Separates class property names from injection tokens

However, one way this falls behind named-injection is in the sense that the child classes must know and provide the dependencies of their parents.

For example, assume I have a class:

Now, I want to define a child of this class that has its own dependencies:

This will immediately fail to compile, since the ChildClass doesn’t pass the required dependencies into the parent. In reality, the child class must also specify the dependencies of the parent as parameters in its constructor:

The issue with this becomes immediately obvious. All of the dependencies and imports of the parent must also be specified in all of the children. As the classes become larger and the inheritance chain becomes longer, you can quickly run into ridiculously long constructor signatures:

Here, not only does the child need to be aware of the dependencies of the parent, it needs to take into account the order of the constructor parameters, which might be irrelevant in practice, but could break between versions.

Property Injection

To improve upon this, we want to divorce the injected dependencies from the constructor while still maintaining the type-hinted and property-name benefits we gained from constructor-injection

This has the additional benefit of keeping the constructor signatures smaller, and keeping the non-injected constructor parameters distinct from the injected ones.

Luckily, in TypeScript, properties of a class also emit type annotations, and can be decorated. So, we can change our

ParentClass and ChildClass definitions to look as follows:

How does this work?

The “magic” bit here is the @Inject() decorator, which looks at the type annotation of the property it decorates and stores that property and its token value as meta-data on the class. Here’s a simplified example of Extollo’s implementation:

Now, when the container creates an instance of a class, instead of passing in the dependencies as parameters to the constructor, it instantiates the class, then sets the properties on the class that have @Inject() decorators. For example:

There’s a problem here, though. Say we were to resolveAndCreate<ChildClass>(ChildClass). Because of the way JavaScript works, the instance returned by this call would ONLY have the properties defined in the child class, not the parent (i.e. another, but not logging).

To understand why, we need a bit of background.

The Prototype Chain

In JavaScript, inheritance is prototypical. Say we have the following:

The object created as parent has a “chain” of prototypes that comprise it. So, if I try to access a method or property on parent, JavaScript will first check if the property exists on parent itself. If not, it will check if the property exists on ParentClass.prototype, then ParentClass.prototype.prototype, and so on.

If you follow the prototype chain long enough, every item in JavaScript eventually extends from Object.prototype or Function.prototype. (For classes, it’s the latter.) From any of these prototypes, we can access the constructor they are associated with using Class.prototype.constructor.

So, to get the ParentClass constructor from its prototype, we could do ParentClass.prototype.constructor.

The Issue

When our @Inject() decorator saves the meta-data about the property type annotations, it does so by defining a new meta-data property on the prototype of the class where the property was defined.

Since the logging property was first defined and decorated in the ParentClass, the meta-data property with the information we need is actually defined on ParentClass.prototype.

However, when @Inject() is called for the another property in the ChildClass, it defines a new meta-data key with ChildClass‘s defined properties on the ChildClass.prototype.

Thus, in order to get all the properties we need to inject, we must check the meta-data defined for all prototypes in the inheritance chain of the constructor being instantiated. So, the container implementation might look something like:

Now, inst will have all properties defined as injected for all parent classes in the inheritance chain.

Best of Both Worlds

This approach combines the benefits of named-injection with the type-safety of constructor-injection:

  • Child classes don’t need to account for the dependencies of their parents
  • Injected dependencies can be type-hinted
  • Property names of dependencies are independent of their types
  • Parent dependencies are automatically accounted for

After using it for a while, I really like this paradigm. It provides a type-safe way to do dependency injection reliably, while still keeping the class definitions clean and parent-agnostic.


While its still my preferred solution, property-injection in TypeScript still isn’t without its drawbacks. Namely, it requires use of the non-null assertion operator since the properties are being filled in by the container.

Because of this, if you were to instantiate a class manually outside the container and not fill in all the properties, the compiler wouldn’t catch it. Accessing properties on that instance would lead to runtime errors. However, assuming you always instantiate Injectable classes with the container, this problem is largely mute.

Another downside that I didn’t explore much in this article is the container code. Generalizing the container (for either constructor- or property-injection) requires use of the any operator at some point since factories are matched by key. At least in my implementation. I’d be interested to see alternatives.


There will, undoubtedly, be another iteration of this article wherein I discover a new paradigm I want to try. But for the foreseeable future, I’ll be implementing and running with property-injection in my projects. As I mentioned in the article, constructor-injection and property-injection support form the basis of the dependency injector for the Extollo framework, my new project.

I tried not to dive too deep into the actual code required to implement the various strategies in this article, so if you’re interested in seeing how I’ve implemented them for my projects, here are some links:

As always, I’d love to hear any other strategies or ways people have implemented this, so feel free to leave a comment or get in touch.



Garrett Mills
Geek Culture

Hi, there. I’m a software developer and speaker who likes to make things: