Ruby on Rails 7: Integration Testing

Akiko Green
Geek Culture
Published in
6 min readOct 12, 2022


Testing… Testing…Is this code valid?

There’s nothing more validating than seeing those lovely green messages of success when code passes test on a homework assignments, a leetcode problem or an important code challenge interview. Well, I want to tell you how even MORE validating it is to write test for your project correctly and STILL have it pass! That’s right, you too can write test to ensure your project functions efficiently and effectively, even after necessary refactoring.

In this article, I will be introducing the basics of Ruby on Rails integration testing, I personally have learned and implemented on my own project. With the help of Rails documentation, while also coding along to an amazing Udemy course, The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course, I have learned how to create my own test through Test Driven Development.

Test driven development

What is Test Driven Development?

It is a key practice for extreme programming; it suggests that the code is developed or changed exclusively by the unit testing. TDD is a software-driven process that includes test-first development. —Xenonstack



Akiko Green
Geek Culture

Software Engineer, Novice Blogger, Indoor Climbing Cutie 🥰