Steps to Identify Target Audience for a Mobile App

Sidharth Jain
Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readJun 17, 2021
Identify targeted audience

So you are a startup, who has developed a mobile app for its business, the targeted audience is the potential market that they have aimed at for marketing purposes. The ultimate goal that app developers and mobile app development company focus on is to build reliable and trustworthy apps. With the rapid growth in the demand for mobile apps across sectors, most especially e-commerce, mobile apps have taken center stage in IT innovation. Now, the question that arises is how to address marketing issues, and promote your apps once it is live on the app stores. So, below we explore and examine innovative pointers of how to identify a mobile app target audience in the shortest possible.

Inputs to Identify Target Audience for a Mobile App

1) Define the Age Range and Gender Distribution Ratio

When trying to identify the target audience, the age range of your mobile app users is a vital sampling factor. The reason behind it is that the interests and likes of users keep on changing as per age gap or bracket. From adaptability or application or usability differences to outright grasp of what the app is all about. The age range presumably must stay within a single generation to define their likes and dislikes. Today, we hear of generation X, Y, Z, and many other clichés to define a particular period of birth. Another parameter is that although men and women are equal they are practically very different. This implies the things women take very seriously men may find them rather pedestrian not because of despising but genetics. Therefore, different apps appeal to both genders variedly. According to research, both gender’s ( male and female) shopping traits are different too. The majority of men usually buy a product and services when they need to as they tick off items on their to-do list. On the other hand, women shop as they disposed to and to browse, learn more on different products. It is vital to keep these shopping traits when trying to identify a target audience.

2) Determine the Specific Location and Language Details

Physical location is a target-specific factor as generally, each place has its dynamics like history, culture, time, rules, requirements, etc. Mobile apps cannot be universal as access and usage may not be known or universally calculated. Depending upon the place, the region, country, state, county or city, etc., app adaptation changes. Moreover, depending on the app’s purpose there are diverse communication patterns and languages used globally. Language generally readapts rational thinking. Therefore knowing cultural differences is vital as mobile apps are readapted to local realities.

What is the Level of Education and Profession Demographics?

Education is a broad term spanning several levels. The ratios of the sampled populace interns of those who are literate primary, high school, university, or continuing education. Knowing the education levels of the potential audience helps in many ways. For instance, when creating advertising, promotional, or marketing strategies, you can adopt when literacy is high. It is also vital in understanding how the apps should finally take shape or form localized to suit local realities. It also shapes the way communication can be done within the app and the entire marketing strategy. Depending on age demographics young audiences like simple ways of talking while mature generations prefer formal address. Profession determines spending and purchasing power. If, your mobile app offers paid or in-app purchases to the target audience then, the purchasing power of users is crucial. Profession reveals the nature of the duty, whether it is a full or part-time professional.

What is their Marriage, Family, and Hobbies Status?

The marriage status or family background of a person or people directly affects decision-making. Whether single, married, divorced, or widowed. Whether long-term or short-term decisions marriage and family status impact decisions made. This because single people focus on self or individual, married people include partners and children. These differences reflect the nature of apps single or married people prefer. Families reveal responsibility patterns whether single or inclusive of other members. Hobbies or interests are revelatory too as they point out character traits and individual persona. Whether potential users like going to the gym or traveling, do they play football or cricket? Interests add a more human persona on users as they are seen for they are what they easily relate to. These details are critical especially easier social media profiling of potential mobile app users.

What types of Devices and Technology is Used?

Devices and technology majorly used also give an insight that may reveal a target audience. Especially for the IT sector, it’s good to know the different types of technology at play. It’s obvious iPhone or Android have different app platforms and depending on the nature of the device used from iWatch, tablet, or smartphones. Mobile apps can easily tell handsets used with built-in device recognition software of the target audience. These insights help in the initial identification and definition of the mobile app target audience.

What is the Overall Nature of Personality and Character?

Psychology and personality contribute to knowing the potential mobile app users and how. This is because of a variety of social tags and their attendant shenanigans from financial status, extrovert or introvert, sensitive or insensitive, intellectual or emotional leaning. These are character personalities that dwell variably in humans. Personality tells how one reacts to varied situations or circumstances i.e. real-life or digital realm. Vital things for the target audience like earning money or environment activism, family values or entrepreneurship, etc.

What are the Common Behaviors, Traits, and Habits?

It can be safely said that the common behaviors of the target audience (collective or individual) are full of rich insights. These vary from the level of personal organization or tidiness. Target audience behavior let your dedicated developers adapt app designs and functions that appeal to users.


In essence, identifying a potential mobile app target audience is building a cohesive and solid database of potential users. With emergent technologies today in mobile app development it is possible and easier to ask these questions and find the answers for the right target audience. Author Bio: Sidharth Jain, Proud Founder of GraffersID, Website and Mobile App Development Company based in India, helping startup who have the potential to make it big. Providing dedicated remote developers, Hire Dedicated React JS Developers in India, Trusted by startups in YC | Harvard | Google | Coca-Cola. 80% Clients raised funding and scaled their team in a week. He understands how to solve problems using technology and contributes his knowledge to the leading blogging sites.

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Sidharth Jain
Geek Culture

Founder @ | Building Website & Mobile Apps | Trusted by funded Startups | Awarded Best UX Design Team & Rising Star 2018