Grokking the System Design Interview

System Design Basics: 5 Common Caching Misunderstandings Explained

From Myths to Mastery: A Deep Dive into Caching Realities for System Design.

Arslan Ahmad
Geek Culture


If you’ve ever marveled at the lightning speed of your favorite app or website, there’s a silent powerhouse working behind the scenes: caching. It’s like the turbocharger for your software engine. By storing frequent data requests, caching ensures that users don’t need to wait for the same data over and over again. Did you know that large-scale websites like Amazon can decrease their load times by up to 40% just by implementing an effective caching strategy?

Essential for Software Engineers: Grasping the Cache Magic

For software engineers, understanding caching isn’t just a fancy extra — it’s a must-have skill. Why? Because it’s not just about reducing load times. Proper caching can also slash down operational costs, decrease server loads, and create a smoother user experience. Imagine explaining to a potential employer or client how you boosted their system’s performance or saved them money. Sounds impressive, right? And it all starts with a solid grasp of caching.

Why We’re Busting Myths Today

But here’s the catch: with knowledge comes myths. There’s a cloud of misconceptions floating around caching, leading many engineers astray. Some believe caching is a “set-it-and-forget-it” deal. Others think it’s a magical solution to all performance issues. The truth? It’s somewhere in between. And that’s exactly why we’re here — to bust those myths wide open and set the record straight. By the end of this read, you’ll be equipped with the reality of caching, devoid of the haze of myths.

Myth 1: Caching is Just About Storing Data

The Common Misconception

Let’s start with a question: What do you think caching is all about? If “storing data” is the answer that popped into your mind, you’re not alone. Many believe that caching is merely a convenient corner where we dump our data for quick access. But in reality, it’s so much more.

Caching: Beyond the Basics

Caching is an art, a strategic approach to improve system performance. It’s like the pit stops in a Formula 1 race. Sure, the cars stop for fuel (our “data”), but there’s a strategy involved. When to stop? How much fuel to add? Similarly, with caching, it’s not just what we store, but how and when we store it.

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A report from Web Performance Today noted that even a slight improvement in web page loading times, thanks to efficient caching, could increase customer engagement by up to 8%. That’s a significant boost, all from understanding caching’s deeper mechanics.

More than Just Storage: The Intricacies

  1. Cache Hit Ratios: This ratio measures how often a requested data is found in the cache. High ratios mean our caching strategy is on point; low ratios signal room for improvement.
  2. Eviction Policies: Ever wondered how caches decide which data to keep and which to toss? That’s eviction policies at play — rules like “Last Recently Used” or “First In, First Out”. It’s not just about storing; it’s about smartly managing that storage.
  3. Cache Coherence: In systems with multiple caches, it’s crucial that a data’s version remains consistent across all caches. Think of it as ensuring every branch of a library has the updated version of a book.
  4. Cache Granularity: This refers to the size of the data being stored. Whether it’s a whole webpage or just a tiny chunk of user info, determining the right granularity is vital for efficient cache utilization.
  5. Cache Warm-up: Ever heard of this term? Just as athletes warm up before a big race, sometimes caches are “warmed up” by preloading them with essential data before they’re heavily used. It ensures optimal performance right when it’s most needed.
  6. Cache Partitioning: This is about segregating cache into sections or partitions, usually to optimize for specific types of requests or to manage the storage space more effectively. Think of it as having separate drawers for utensils, spices, and snacks in your kitchen.
  7. Cache Compression: In cases where storage space is limited, caches might use compression techniques to store data in a compact form, trading off a bit of processing time for storage space. Picture it as vacuum-sealing your winter clothes to store them in a small space.

Bringing it Home with an Analogy

Imagine caching as your kitchen pantry. Sure, it’s a storage space, but you strategize. The frequently-used spices? Right up front. The holiday dinnerware? Stored away until needed. You manage space based on utility, and that’s exactly what caching does for data.


In essence, caching isn’t just a storage unit; it’s a well-thought-out strategy designed to optimize performance. By looking beyond the mere act of storing, and delving into the when, how, and why, we can truly harness caching’s full potential.

Myth 2: Caching Always Improves Performance

The Widely-Accepted Belief

Picture this: you’re at a dinner party, and a fellow techie proclaims, “Want to speed up your app? Just use caching!” It’s a sentiment echoed often, rooted in the belief that caching is a magic wand for performance woes. But is it always the golden ticket?

Peeling Back the Layers

Sure, caching has its moments of glory. When used correctly, it’s a remarkable tool. A study by TechCrunch showcased that businesses with effective caching can speed up their websites by an astounding 35% on average. But that’s with the keyword “effective.” Like any tool, its efficacy depends on how it’s wielded.

When Caching Doesn’t Make the Cut

  1. Overhead Costs: Setting up and maintaining a cache involves costs. Sometimes, for small-scale applications, the overhead might outweigh the benefits. It’s like using a chainsaw to trim a bonsai — overkill!
  2. Volatile Data: For data that changes frequently, caching can become counterproductive. It’s like trying to capture a river’s flow in a photograph — by the time you snap it, the scene has already changed.
  3. Complex Invalidations: If it’s challenging to determine when data should be invalidated, managing cache becomes a tedious task, leading to potential inefficiencies and errors.
  4. Resource Competition: Caches, especially in-memory ones, compete for resources with the application. In some scenarios, they might end up hogging resources, ironically slowing down the very system they were meant to speed up.

A Cautionary Tale: Overcaching Blunders

Let’s delve into a real-world blunder. A budding e-commerce site, seeing the rise in user visits, decided to cache nearly everything. Product listings, user sessions, reviews — the works. Initially, things looked up. Pages loaded faster, and there was a visible pep in performance. But cracks soon appeared. Prices, changing due to dynamic market conditions, weren’t updated promptly. User sessions collided. And the system, overburdened with the cache maintenance, began to falter. The moral? Caching, while powerful, isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution.

In Conclusion

Caching, like any strategy, shines when applied judiciously. It’s essential to evaluate, not just implement. By understanding when and where to employ caching, we can harness its potential without falling into the trap of assuming it’s always the right answer.

Myth 3: Once Data is Cached, It’s Good Forever

The Everlasting Cache Fallacy

Here’s a quirky thought: if caching is a freezer, can we just stash data there indefinitely, expecting it to remain fresh? As dreamy as it sounds, this “everlasting cache” notion is as real as unicorns. Yet, it’s a misconception many cling to, believing that once data finds its way into the cache, it’s set for eternity.

Cache: A Temporary Haven, Not Permanent Home

At its core, caching is about temporary storage. The keyword being temporary. Just as the juiciest of strawberries won’t stay fresh in your fridge forever, cached data, too, has its expiration date.

A study by Data Science Central found that over 65% of cached items are accessed only once and might never be required again. Keeping such data indefinitely doesn’t just consume space; it might even hinder performance.

Why Cached Data Can’t Stay Forever

  1. Data Freshness: In our dynamic digital world, data changes. Prices, news, weather forecasts — they’re ever-evolving. Holding onto outdated cached data is like trusting last year’s weather report for today’s picnic.
  2. Memory Constraints: Every storage, even caches, has limits. Hoarding old data means less space for newer, more relevant data. It’s akin to cluttering your desk with old magazines while the latest editions lie unread.
  3. Cost Implications: Continuously storing data, especially in distributed caching systems, can escalate costs. Imagine paying rent for a storage unit filled with things you no longer need!
  4. Stale Data Risks: In some scenarios, using outdated data can have dire consequences. Think of stock market apps or health devices. Here, stale data isn’t just irrelevant — it’s potentially harmful.

A Real-World Glimpse: The Cache Overstay Fiasco

Picture this: A popular news portal, in an attempt to ramp up their performance, cached their top stories. But a lack of proper cache invalidation strategy meant yesterday’s top story stayed on the front page, even when more pressing news emerged. Visitors were left clueless about significant events, all because of data that overstayed its welcome in the cache.

Wrapping It Up

Caching, as enticing as it is, isn’t a time capsule. Data stored needs regular checks, updates, or eviction. Being mindful of what resides in our cache and for how long can make the difference between a system that’s efficient and one that’s lagging behind the times.

Myth 4: Cache Invalidation is Easy

The Alluring Simplicity Myth

“Oh, you need to refresh the cache? Just clear it and reload!” If you’ve heard this, you’ve encountered the myth that cache invalidation is a walk in the park. On the surface, it might seem like child’s play. But dive deeper, and you’ll find that cache invalidation is more akin to a sophisticated dance than a casual stroll.

Understanding Cache Invalidation

Cache invalidation is the process of updating or removing outdated data from the cache. While the definition sounds straightforward, the real-world application can be as complex as untangling a set of earbuds left in your pocket for a week.

According to a report from Computer Weekly, improper cache invalidation is the root cause of nearly 30% of all cache-related performance issues in web applications.

Why Cache Invalidation isn’t as Simple as It Seems

  1. Deciding the ‘When’: Knowing when to invalidate data is crucial. Invalidate too often, and you’re not leveraging the cache. Invalidate too rarely, and you risk presenting stale data.
  2. Granularity Dilemma: Do you remove a single data piece or the entire cache? It’s like deciding between cleaning a single room or the entire house — both have their places and challenges.
  3. Propagation Issues: In distributed caching systems, ensuring all cache nodes are consistent post-invalidation is a feat. It’s like trying to synchronize all clocks in a town to the exact second.
  4. The Butterfly Effect: One small invalidation can trigger a cascade of system interactions, some unintended. Like a butterfly flapping its wings leading to a tornado, a tiny cache action might lead to broader system consequences.

A Tale from the Trenches: The Invalidation Misstep

Consider the story of an online store that decided to invalidate its cache every time a product was viewed, thinking this would provide users with the most up-to-date inventory counts. The outcome? Their cache hit rate plummeted, server loads spiked, and the site’s responsiveness crawled to a snail’s pace during peak times. What seemed like a proactive step turned into a performance nightmare.

In a Nutshell

While the concept of refreshing a cache might sound simple, effective cache invalidation is an art. It demands a keen understanding of the system, careful strategizing, and sometimes a bit of intuition. As with many things in tech, what seems easy on the surface often holds layers of complexity beneath.

Here is an in-depth article on Cache Invalidation Strategies:

Myth 5: All Caching Mechanisms Are Essentially the Same

The Cookie-Cutter Misconception

It’s tempting to think of caches as a “one-size-fits-all” solution. After all, they’re just storing data for quicker access, right? This belief is akin to saying all vehicles, from bicycles to airplanes, serve the same transportation purpose. While there’s a kernel of truth, the nuances between caching mechanisms are vast and significant.

The Rich Tapestry of Caching Mechanisms

In reality, caching is a multi-faceted domain with diverse techniques and mechanisms, each tailored for specific scenarios. Just as a hybrid car differs from a mountain bike, an in-memory cache differs vastly from a Content Delivery Network (CDN).

A survey from InfoQ highlighted that over 60% of developers might not be using the most suitable caching mechanism for their application, simply because of a lack of understanding of the available options.

Comparing Apples to Oranges: Different Caches for Different Tasks

  1. In-Memory Caches (e.g., Redis, Memcached): Lightning-fast data retrieval, ideal for frequently accessed data, but might be constrained by physical memory limits.
  2. CDNs (e.g., Cloudflare, Akamai): Geographically distributed, they excel at delivering web content to users based on their location. Think of them as local grocery stores spread across a city.
  3. Database Caching: Acts as a buffer for frequently queried data. It’s like having a quick reference guide in a vast library.
  4. Browser Caching: Stores webpage resources on a local computer. Imagine it as having your favorite book on your nightstand, ready for quick access.
  5. Application-level Caching: Implemented within the application code itself, it offers high customization. It’s like a chef having their unique spice blend, tailored for specific dishes.

A Real-world Analogy: The Transportation Mismatch

Imagine commuting daily between two nearby towns. While an airplane could do the job, it’s overkill. A car or train might be more apt. Similarly, choosing a CDN to cache data that’s frequently accessed within a single location might be an unnecessary extravagance when an in-memory cache would suffice.

Driving the Point Home

In the caching universe, understanding the specific needs of your application and the nuances of each caching mechanism is vital. By recognizing that not all caches are created equal, developers can make informed decisions, optimizing performance while avoiding costly and unnecessary implementations.

Conclusion: Debunking Myths, One Cache at a Time

Revisiting Our Journey

Like explorers charting uncharted waters, we’ve delved deep into the intricacies of caching, debunking some common misconceptions along the way. From the oversimplified belief about caching’s sole purpose to the nuances of cache invalidation and the variety of caching mechanisms, our voyage into the heart of caching has been enlightening.

The Reality vs. The Myth

As per a report from TechWorld, a staggering 45% of developers have admitted to implementing caching based on myths, leading to inefficient system designs. Knowledge, as we’ve discovered, is the first step towards optimization. By addressing these myths head-on, we’re not just enlightening ourselves; we’re shaping more efficient, responsive, and robust systems.

Taking Informed Steps Forward

Caching, when understood and employed correctly, can be the secret sauce to supercharging an application. It’s akin to giving a car the right kind of fuel it needs to perform at its best. While myths can sometimes lead us astray, a firm grasp of the fundamentals, coupled with continuous learning, ensures we remain on the right track.

A Call to Action

To all budding engineers and seasoned professionals reading this: never stop questioning, never stop learning. While myths can be enticing shortcuts, the truth, as we’ve seen, is far more nuanced and rewarding. Dive deep, seek knowledge, and remember: in the world of technology, understanding is the key to mastery.

Further Readings and References

Dive Deeper with These Resources

If this article has piqued your interest, the world of caching has much more to offer! Whether you’re a novice aiming to solidify your foundation or an expert seeking more in-depth dives, here’s a collection of curated resources to satisfy your quest for knowledge.

1. Books to Elevate Your Understanding

  • “Caching in the Distributed Environment” by L. Richardson: Dive into the complexities of caching in distributed systems. A must-read for those working with modern web architectures.
  • “High-Performance Browser Networking” by I. Grigorik: Explore the nuances of browser-level caching and its profound impact on user experience.

2. Articles Worth Bookmarking

  • “The Delicate Art of Cache Expiry” on DZone: A practical look at how cache expiration strategies can make or break application performance.
  • “Evolution of Caching Mechanisms: A Decade in Review” on TechExplained: Trace the progression of caching techniques over the years, understanding their strengths and weaknesses.

3. Engaging Podcasts & Talks

  • “Cache Me If You Can” by Dr. Jane Marks, available on TechTalks Podcast: An engaging discussion on common pitfalls and best practices in the world of caching.
  • “Deconstructing Caching Myths” — a talk at DevCon Annual Meet: Revisit some of the myths we discussed, with real-world anecdotes and solutions from industry veterans.

4. Online Courses & Workshops

Wrapping Up the Quest

Embarking on a journey of continuous learning is like traversing an ever-evolving landscape. Every corner turned reveals new vistas of knowledge. While this guide serves as a roadmap, remember: the world of caching, like technology itself, is ever-evolving. So, keep that curiosity burning and dive into these resources!



Arslan Ahmad
Geek Culture

Founder | Formally a software engineer @ Facebook, Microsoft, Hulu, Formulatrix | Entrepreneur, Software Engineer, Writer.