Tableau Tutorials for Beginners — Segment 6

Avikar Banik
Geek Culture
2 min readJul 16, 2021


Hello friends! Hope you have already read and enjoyed Segment 5of this tutorial. In case you have not yet, please take out 10 minutes of your valuable time to understand the concepts explained in Segment 5.

You can access it at this link ( Tableau Tutorials for Beginners — Segment 5).

In today’s article, we will learn about the below concept:

  • Dual Axis

Dual Axis: This is a feature in tableau, using which, we can create a secondary axis for charts. For example, we may want to create a chart where Primary Y-Axis represents Total Sales and Secondary Y-Axis represents Total Profit. We can do this using the Dual Axis feature. Let us see how.

In the above example, I have plotted SUM(Sales) in the Primary Y-axis and Sub-Category in the X-Axis. I now want to add SUM(Profit) in the Secondary Y-Axis as a line.

First I drag-drop SUM(Profit) in the Rows, in the canvas.

Next, I change the Chart Type of SUM(Profit) to Line, via the Marks card:

The chart looks like this now:

Right-click on the Axis of Profit and then click on the Dual Axis option

Once Dual Axis is clicked, the chart forms the secondary axis for Profit:

NOTE: After clicking Dual Axis, if the bars do not appear, just change the chart type of SUM(Sales) to Bar using the Marks card.

