Tableau Tutorials for Beginners — Segment 8

Avikar Banik
Geek Culture
3 min readSep 8, 2021


Hello friends! Hope you have already read and enjoyed Segment 7of this tutorial. In case you have not yet, please take out 10 minutes of your valuable time to understand the concepts explained in Segment 7.

You can access it at this link ( Tableau Tutorials for Beginners — Segment 7).

In today’s article, we will learn about the below concept:

  • Usage of ‘Detail’ option card in plotting chart
  • Usage of ‘Size’ option card in plotting chart

Usage of ‘Detail’ option card in plotting chart

The ‘Detail’ option can be used to plot the visualization at a specific granularity level. Let me explain it with an example. Assume that I want to see the month-wise total profit, so my chart will be something as follows:

Now, I want to see the same view but at the granularity of Sub Category ( I am using the default Superstore dataset that comes with Tableau). My expectation is to have one line for each Sub Category so that I can view the trend of each Sub Category in the same chart.

This can be easily achieved by using the Detail option in the marks card. Simply drag and drop the Sub Category field in the detail option. Once done the chart will look like this:

However, from the above chart, I am not able to distinguish between the Sub Category values. This can be easily solved by dragging and dropping the Sub Category field again to the Color option in the marks card. Now, the chart will look as below. My requirement is accomplished!

Usage of ‘Size’ option card in plotting chart

The Size option can be used to make the visualization easier to understand and interpret. For example, let us plot a simple column chart of Sub Category vs Total Profit.

Let us now put Profit in the SIze option of the marks card

You can see, that the Size of the columns has got adjusted as per their respective values. So, as soon as someone sees the chart, without even looking into the details of the Y-Axis, the person should be able to understand and interpret the profit or loss.

Let us now apply the same thing on our previous chart and see how it looks

