Teaching My Son Python

Dino Cajic
Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2023


My son is entering 4th grade and I thought, “can’t be a better time to teach him programming than now.” It helped that he genuinely expressed interest as well. I’m about a week in and it’s going great. We’ve even started going through and programming a robot hand on the Raspberry Pi.


I started with some basics on machine code to Assembly and then to Python. I showed him the logic gates and how dumb computers really are (he really like that one :)). I then guided him on how to setup his IDE and configure Python on his laptop.

View this article and others on my website.

The first lesson involved the print() function. After displaying a few funny things on the screen, I drew a “map” for him on the screen and told him to write a program that will give someone directions based on the map. It started with some basic left and right turns and then went into distances as well.



Dino Cajic
Geek Culture

Author of An Illustrative Introduction to Algorithms. IT Leader with a B.S. in Computer Science, a minor in Biology, and a passion for learning.