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Dive Into Zero-Knowledge Proofs & the Future of Crypto

Eric Lastname
Geek Culture
Published in
11 min readAug 9, 2021


Zero-Knowledge is a concept that has been around for a while. Simply put, it is the concept of being able to prove something is true without revealing any information other than the claim itself. This may seem impossible, but through groundbreaking mathematics over the last thirty years and the breathtakingly fast advancement of cryptocurrencies, there are currencies today that allow you to validate transactions without every even revealing how much you sent or home many tokens your account holds.

That seems like magic! How can someone create and validate a transaction without disclosing the total amount of the transaction or knowledge about the balance of their wallet? In this article ill go over how this can be done with a few visual examples.

Disclosure: I am not an expert, learning about this on my free time and I could get some of it wrong. If this seems interesting, do your own research.

Zero-Knowledge: A Primer

The classical example of a zero-knowledge proof is that of color-switching. Let's say you have two colored balls and want to prove to your color-blind friend that you know the colors of the balls, but for some contrived pivotal reasons, your friend must never figure out anything except that you know the colors. Your friend cannot themselves learn…



Eric Lastname
Geek Culture

Software Developer, AWS. Natural Language Processing and Crypto.