That Was That “Vanilla JavaScript” Thing You May Have Heard About

I underrated Javascript; I used to think of it just as a means to an end, but it can actually be the only thing you need.

Consuelo Sanna
Geek Culture


I work professionally as a Junior Developer for more than a year now; before that, I graduated as a Software Engineer, and before that, I studied Computer Science in High School.
I still have a lot to learn, I am curious and try every day to learn something new, this is probably one of the reasons why I was able to land a job with a language I had never studied before: JavaScript.

I know, if we really count how many years I’ve spent studying Computer Science it seems a little bit odd; truth is, academically I have seen mainly the C language and with that I was able to improve my knowledge and dig deep into things like:

  • Algorithms
  • Data Structure
  • Database
  • Security
  • Design Patterns
  • etc…

Strong bases that can be useful and help me no matter what language or technology I am dealing with; but still, every language is different and I made the mistake of jumping on one of the most famous frameworks without taking…



Consuelo Sanna
Geek Culture

I am an Italian Software Engineer passionate about technologies and new challenges. I still have a lot to learn and I’ll try to share experiences and solutions