The 13 Master Servers of Internet

Internet truly relies on 13 servers. How is it possible?

Alexandre Daubois
Geek Culture


That’s a question that I asked myself a few years ago: are there such things like “master servers” that kind of control the whole Internet? This is typically the kind of question that not everyone asks, but we all want to know the answer and explanation. Especially when the answer is Yes.

Domain System Name (DNS) and URLs

You don’t need any special knowledge in web to understand the rest of the article. So to make sure we can all understand what’s next, let me explain what is a DNS in a few sentences.

When browsing the web and want to access a specific website, you just have to remind its name. For example, you want to browse Medium, well you just have to remind that the URL is The role of a DNS server is to convert this URL to an IP address, so you don’t have to remind the IP addresses of each website. Thanks to this IP, your web browser can reach out the server. It is way easier to remind of an URL instead of something like 2606:4700:7::a29f:9804, right? That’s it, the most difficult part of the article is finished!

URL have multiple parts. Let’s keep our example of The “.com” part is called the TLD (Top Domain Level). The “medium” part is…



Alexandre Daubois
Geek Culture

Lead Developer at Wanadev // Open-source contributor