The 5 paid subscriptions I actually use in 2023 as a software engineer

Tools I use that are cheaper than Netflix

Jacob Bennett
Geek Culture


I care a lot about the tools I use. Especially when they aren’t free.

Some tools are too good to keep to myself. I have to share them! Here’s what I’ve spent my money on in 2022–23 that has genuinely improved my life as a software engineer.

Please note: None of the links in this article are affiliate links.

1. GitHub Copilot: an AI pair programmer

When I’m writing code, Copilot works in the background by reading what I’ve written and quietly suggesting what I might want to write next.

Copilot has improved my productivity by at least 30%.

GitHub Copilot code suggestions

My biggest productivity improvements have come from:

  • Writing test cases. Most of the time I write the name for the test case and Copilot fills out everything else.
  • Small things I would have to look up. e.g. Instead of searching for the correct RegEx to parse a string, I write a comment explaining what I want the RegEx to do and Copilot writes the RegEx for me.

Learn more about GitHub Copilot.

2. Kagi: a better search engine than…



Jacob Bennett
Geek Culture

Staff Software Engineer @ Medium • • I write about software engineering, product design and development, and leadership in tech.