The Big List Of 27 People That Have Had Mad Success In The Last Decade: Get A Piece Of Knowledge From Them

#25 will shock you.

Geek Culture
6 min readJan 8, 2022


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

What's the greatest thing you learnt last year?

As a kid, I hated watching talk shows, interviews, and anything that wasn't an animated superhero bashing a despicably ugly villain through a fleet of buildings.

Hearing the word 'Interview', I could grab it, throw shit at it, stick it 6 feet under, dig it back up and punch it in the neck.

Fast forward to the present, I enjoy interesting interviews like most people enjoy Christmas.

For me, an interview helps me view the world from someone else's perspective. It shed more light on the participant's life and experiences.

So, from Talk shows and Interviews, I bring to you the big list of 27.

1. Rafeh Qazi

I found Qazi on YouTube.

My first impression was "Wellllll...he's a normal average guy who knows and teaches programming. Let's see what I can learn from him"

Right now, I am mind blown by what he has achieved.

1 million+ subscribers on YouTube in the last 4 years is literally a dream.

I recently found a video on Gary Vee's channel where he received tremendous advice from Gary.

Now, because of him, I learnt to ask myself this question every time –

"Don't you want to see what happens if you don't give up"

2. Sonny Sangha

Solve not 1, not 2, but 20 - 30+ problems on any subject matter.

You'll easily recognize recurring patterns. This way, you can solve every new problem by recalling the patterns, reusing its solutions or supercharging its solutions.

I found Sonny on YouTube when he started a collab coding class with Qazi. In less than 2 years, Sonny has grown his channel to 110k + subscribers.

That's rad!

3. Zulie Rane

I found Zulie Rane as I searched for answers to my raging writing problems.

I learnt from her –

Be consistent, always experiment and always be ready to pivot.

4. Sinem Günel

Don't back down! Do what you're passionate about and strive to be better each day at what you do even if it seems scary.

I encountered Sinem Günel from her interview with Zulie Rane. Since then, I followed up.

5. Amardeep pamar

What worked once before can work again. But you need to figure out how.

I encountered Amar also from Zulie's YouTube channel.

He got his first viral hit earlier on in the writing game. And for 7 months of posting content, he began to think he had a one-hit wonder.

After those months, he figured it out. He could have quit within those months but didn't.

And I am glad he didn't.

6. Jordan Gross

The rule of success is Imaginetepretivitytation

1. Imagination
2. Interpretation
3. Creativity
4. Implementation

I encountered Jordan Gross from his interview with Sinem Günel.

7. Tim Dennings

Tim Denning is a sensational writer moving people with his words.

I learnt from him –

Don't wait any longer. Doers change the world and create ripple affects that exist long after those doers pass on from this world — Tim Dennings

8. Vanessa Lau

She is an exceptional multimillionaire who quit her job, worked and soar to success.

I learnt from her that the most effective way to disseminate knowledge is the 'what', the 'why' and the 'how' in that sequence.

9. Tai Lopez

I encountered him from when he interviewed Neil Patel.

He is a phenomenal entrepreneur who grounds himself from reading and understanding human psychology.

I learnt from him –

Busyness to do work, Skepticism, and Laziness kills hopes and dreams.

10. Gary Vee

I recently had an encounter with him from his interview with Grant Cardone.

He is one of the greatest influencers of our time full of knowledge.

I learnt from him –

Self awareness, attention, and execution is key to your success in this digital era.

11. Neil Patel

I found him on YouTube. He is one of the most strategic marketers of our time.

I learnt from him –

Specialization in any skill is the most important thing a person can have.

12. Zendaya

She is one of the most ground breaking actresses of our time.

I learnt from her –

Encourage, inspire, grow and live intentionally.

13. Kristen Stewart

She is a pure talent.

I learnt from her –

Passion + talent + practice + patience = Greatness

14. Sam Levinson

He's an amazing film producer and writer.

I learnt from him –

The darkness I once had is the light of my now.

15. Kylie Jenner

The first person that young to break Google Analytics via traffic to her lip kit checkout page.

I learnt from her –

You never know when the next record will be broken. Keep trying.

16. Khaby lame

The silent genius. The 2nd most followed tiktoker in the world in less than a year with 124+ million followers.

I learnt from him –

Anything works! Don't limit your imagination.

17. Elon musk

Who doesn't know Elon musk?

I learnt from him –

To solve a problem, don't stress about the form or shape of the invention. Think of its function.

18. Sara finance

I recently encountered her on YouTube.

I learnt from her –

Like water, I'll flow. Like plants, I'll grow. Like air, I'll move. There's nothing to lose if you try. If you don't try, regret is inevitable.

19. Aaron Vankampen

He's a tiktoker I recently encountered on YouTube.....specifically his "What do you do for a living" videos.

Through those videos, I see what is possible and what transformation can be made for once-upon-a-time ordinary individuals.

20. Billie Ellish

You know her mehn.

I learnt that you've to inspired yourself to inspire billions.

21. Collins and Samir

A duo hosting a talk show on YouTube.

I learnt from them –

There's essence in every occurrence and event. Find it and repurpose it graciously!

22. Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet. The best value investor of all time.

I understood from him that the effect of compounding is the 8th wonder of the world.

23. Ellen DeGeneres

She told a story.

At a point in her life, after her girlfriend's accident, she had to live with fleas. And at that moment, she stood up and made up her mind to be on Johnny Carson's show.

Some years from that day, She had her breakthrough in 2011.

I learnt from her –

Make up you mind and you'll change the world.

24. Oprah Winfrey

She is a mentor to billions.

I learnt from her –

Let go of the past and live in the present.

25. Jonah Berger

He is a world-renowned expert on virality.

I learnt from him –

You can make anything in this world contagious and spiral it into virality.

Don't believe me? Can you get your blender in your kitchen to go viral this instant?

Yes, you can.

Google 'Will it blend' right now.

26. Pat Flynn

He wrote a book called Super fans.

I learnt from him –

If there's one person in this world who you've genuinely inspired, there are 999 people more.

27. Grant Cardone

A renowned businessman making millions of dollars each month.

I learnt from him –

It is never to late to start the journey and win.


Olivia Rodrigo

She is a young booming artiste making waves.

I learnt from her –

You aren't too young to blast off.

So, what's the greatest thing you’ve learnt from this that you'll implement now?

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