The Challenges, Recent Advances, and Future of Deep Learning

From its founding fathers (and other opinions)

James Thorn
Geek Culture


Deep Learning is one of the most powerful fields of Artificial Intelligence there is. It is the core concept that powers technologies like virtual assistants, self-driving cars, or videogame master AIs.

Despite all the hype, recently, the three founding fathers of the widespread adoption of Deep Learning, and some of the most renown personalities in the field Yoshua Bengio, Yann Lecun, and Geoffrey Hinton, have published an article where the speak about the shortcomings of the field and its foreseeable future.

In this post we will break down this article, simply explain the main concepts of Deep Learning that you need in order to understand it, and lay out our own opinions about the field. Lets get to it!

What is Deep Learning?

Artificial Neural Networks or ANNs are Machine Learning models that try to mimic the functioning of the human brain, whose structure is built from a large number of neurons connected in between them — hence the name “Artificial Neural Networks”.

