The first movie based on Artificial Intelligence - Metropolis (1927)

Anjana Samindra Perera
Geek Culture
Published in
2 min readDec 25, 2021


Movie poster of Metropolis. Credit:

When it comes to movies that are inspired by artificial intelligence there are few names that came across our minds. Some of them are the Terminator series and The Matrix series. Since a new Matrix: Resurrection was released thought of looking back at the cinema to find where the concept of AI-first appeared.

The movie mentioned in this article is nearly 100 years old and in fact, released in 1927. It’s the German expressionist film Metropolis.

In this case, the AI takes the form of a humanoid robot intent on wreaking havoc on the titular mega-city. It’s an auspicious and perhaps pessimistic start for AI in movies, but it reveals a lot about the public’s perception of this new, “fantasy” technology at the time. The movie was produced by Erich Pommer and was initially released on January 10, 1927. The main character Maria played by Brigitte Helm.

Below I attached a link to the full movie. The speciality in the below-attached video is that it’s a colourized version of the initial release which was generated using the help of GANs. If you want to know about GANs and it’s capabilities follow this link.

The year 2027 will mark the 100th anniversary of this film. It will be a great experience if we can see a remake of this one before that.

