The Game of Pong with SpriteKit, SwiftUI and Combine

A look at the synergies between SwiftUI, SpriteKit and Combine

Mark Lucking
Geek Culture


Photo by Wan San Yip on Unsplash

This is the third paper in what started as a singleton and is turning into a series. Within it I want to continue to document my journey exploring the synergies I can find when implementing a SpriteKit based game within a SwiftUI interface.

The goal of today to take what I learned in the first and second articles on this and try and build a third hybrid app. The plan to use three GameScenes, one as the display [as before], the other two as the control surfaces [this time using SpriteKit] with some additional components to try and bring it all together. Since this is the third paper in the series I decided to go straight for kill. Here a animated GIF of the goal.

I want in this piece to try to spent at least as much time talking about why I made the decisions to did something one way or the other as I do telling you how I did it.

The Journey

I started the project with hindsight having completed two previous ones on which I published papers last month. I tried building games with…



Mark Lucking
Geek Culture

Coding for 35+ years, enjoying using and learning Swift/iOS development. Writer @ Better Programming, @The StartUp, @Mac O’Clock, Level Up Coding & More