The History of Artificial Intelligence

From Greek Mythology to our present age, this is the story of AI

Yameen Khurshid
Geek Culture


The year is 1939 and a global conflict is on hand (WWII).

The Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler are blazing through Europe and the Allies are struggling to cope with this destructive offensive.

Back in England, Alan Turing, an English Mathematician is working to break the code used by the Nazis to command strategic messages. It was called the German Enigma code.

If the Allies gained the ability to break this code… victory was definite.

But it was a challenge.

There was “159 million million million possible settings” (according to the Bletchley Park website) and every 24 hours, these settings were changed.

Cracking the code was impossible by hand.

That’s when he created the Bombe machine.

Essentially, this machine was able to perform the same code-breaking tasks as a human… only millions of times faster.

Turing went on to publish a paper titled “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”, inspired by the Bombe machine.

Later, he created the popular Turing Test which is “a test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behaviour…



Yameen Khurshid
Geek Culture

15 y/o following a dream and fighting for what’s right | activating @theksociety | editor @sxtudents | speaker @TEDx