The Life of a Software Engineer working from home

Geek Culture
Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2021


My Life these days has been nothing short of “exhilarating”

Photo by Luke Peters on Unsplash

Need to write more consistently. Yeah, that’s what is needed. Need to really bring in more consistency in order to truly make a standing. Oh, wait! Am I typing this out? Damn, Well I guess that’s what happens to you when you “think out loud” too much these days especially if you’re working remotely.

My Name is Moeed and today I will paint you guys the picture of life.

I get up at 7 am, go for a mile walk to get my mind ready for the tasks ahead, and come back at about 730am.

Take my daily breakfast and in front of the PC, I sit.

1)Check Slack

So do I have any outstanding tasks? Any update from the Project Manager with regards to the application currently in the works? Any client feedback?

Once I have screened Slack entirely and make notes of all points that need to be done. I get to “work”.

I am a Backend Django Developer as you guys will probably be aware of if you have been reading my articles.
Most of my daily tasks/points to be accomplished revolve around either
-creating APIs
-updating existing APIs
-Deploying any outstanding changes to production
-Researching potential client requirements

