The Metaverse Games Of The Future

The Crypto Kiosk
Published in
6 min readMay 26, 2022


Photo: by “ PatoLenin” on Pixabay

Perhaps most of you have already watched the movie Ready Player One.

The overall idea is what matters in this movie, which at certain parts looked like any other naive and insignificant Hollywood production.

And not the dystopian reality either, but focus on the idea and the implementation.

The movie describes perfectly what the Metaverse will be. A 3D universe with a cutting-edge design and technologies more advanced than what we got today but possibly achievable within the next decade.

Still, ignore Ready Player One for the time being.

The Metaverse Ready Player One “exploration” stage doesn’t have to begin at this advanced state. Its roots already exist.

Gaming didn’t begin with Quake Arena or World of Warcraft but with Pong and Tetris.

The users will decide what the Metaverse will be and own most of it. Eventually, everyone will decide on a model, but it will be user-oriented and disruptive.

The model will be the Metaverse, and every platform will apply new technologies and innovations to meet this model.

The first step is a successful game using Web3, NFTs, and a marketplace to trade virtual goods inside the game.

The Metaverse Roots

The Metaverse was here since platforms like Second Life were released. For some, Second Life was their entry to Bitcoin as well, since they could cash out their Linden dollars for BTC, which afterward were selling for fiat, making a living.

Playing games for a living was already happening since the 90s!

Anyone can explore the digital gold-miner domain, where we will encounter familiar faces, like the chairman of the Bitcoin Foundation and EOS co-founder Brock Pierce, who made a fortune with IGE, an online marketplace facilitating the exchange of digital gaming assets.

The users of a modern virtual economy will demand decentralization and self-ownership of digital assets.

However, decentralization is not always standard and comes with levels. We can’t claim Tor or Bitcoin (BTC) are completely decentralized networks. For once, Bitcoin BTC has centralized developments. Mining until recently was operated at more than 50% rate by two pools belonging to Bitmain.

Bitcoin (BTC), for many years, was not decentralized in mining but mostly followed game theory to secure the network. Bitmain had no reason to damage the network as it would find no profit destroying its investment. Nobody was too scared of a 51% attack when Bitmain was dominating hash rate.

When discussing decentralization there are levels. In the case of gaming or the case of a vast 3D Universe, how decentralized can everything be?

At this point, the platform Decentraland is the only viable example, since blockchains don’t have the capacity or technology to sustain even a simple game. Centralized servers are necessary, usually with backup servers set up regionally and globally to support the uninterrupted flow of streaming data that online gaming demands.

There is no chance for any blockchain to succeed at this stage in sustaining an entire game unless it operates through a cloud service. Moreover, the blockchains do not have the purpose to sustain the flow of big data.

Web3, Since There Is No Alternative

Decentralization, in the case of blockchain games, concerns only the ownership of digital assets. Web3 with IPFS give access and control to the user of anything valuable in a game.

Web3 has its critics, there is still nothing better at this point to compete with it.


Jack Dorsey, probably bitter from the treatment of Twitter by VCs, is now ignoring innovation that delivers solutions where we have no other option available.

Web3 is the current solution that can support the digital future, the platforms that will grow into a vast digital economy parallel to the real one. Yet, Jack Dorsey is attached to Bitcoin (BTC) and in an absurd approach of shunning the rest innovation in the space that resembles a BTC maximalist.

The nature of VCs is speculative (as all funds), and often they will force or dictate developments. Still, they have limits on their demands, based on not destroying the innovation, which is the strategic advantage of their investment. Again, game theory applies since decentralization is one significant factor in Web3.

Jack operated a centralized network that VCs perhaps hijacked and manipulated in the process to promote their interests and the interests of their friends, politicians, and corporations.

Logging in Metaverse Web3 sites is the only standard that exists today.

The other alternative is Facebook (Meta), a completely centralized social media platform with privacy issues and a history of selling private data and biometrics of its customers to advertisers.

With Facebook (Meta), there will be no ownership of digital assets inside a 3D universe, although it seems even Facebook (Meta) is considering NFT technology lately.

Progress can’t be ignored, especially when it is readily available to everyone and millions are already using NFT protocols, Web3 platforms, and Metamask.

The Games Of The Future

Virtual Reality could become the dominant method of entering the internet (or the Metaverse) in the future.

Besides the VR headsets, we can expect holograms, a technology already used in conferences and concerts but not commercialized yet.

The games of the future will demand browsers connected to Web3.

We will have to forget every blockchain game created so far and focus on the bigger picture. The corporations are driving innovation in the gaming market and reaching a state of analyzing how to produce the best results to create attractive and addicting games.

Gamers value entertainment more than monetization. The current state of blockchain gaming is too far from attracting even a small part of the hundreds of millions of gamers.

Still, most gamers would love to compete at the highest level, earn rewards, and if it becomes easy to trade digital assets, they will adopt this approach.



The Metaverse demands VR technology, and the market penetration of VR products like Occulus, Sony, and Valve’s headsets is lately rising rapidly.

The price of VR headsets will vary as production increases. Still, new models will be released, offering a better user experience. VR headsets are already the focus of hardware designers.

It has begun decades ago with Second Life, though, without VR, or Web3. Interconnecting all websites to the protocols that will prevail will create an ever-evolving Metaverse.

Still, it will not be available to everyone immediately. The technology will slowly expand (like the internet), with first in the adoption rate the remaining wealthy western societies (in US, Central EU), and later penetrating more markets.

The Metaverse will spark a new internet revolution that will eventually create a virtual economy, as real as the global economy, but easier, funnier, with more opportunities.

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The Crypto Kiosk

Sharing my seven years of experience with cryptocurrencies.