Photo by Micha Frank

Change / Web3

The New Internet Is Revolutionising The Creativity Business

Inclusiveness, Innovation, and Income

Published in
6 min readMay 25, 2022


The attention economy is dominating mindshare. And brands, desperate to find productive means to engage with captive audiences and monetise their products (including content), are leaning into the new internet to do so in increasingly diverse, inclusive, and accessible ways.

Alongside traditional enterprise configurations, the new internet (widely known as Web 3) is serving to enhance inclusiveness, cultivate innovation, and foster unique partnerships at the edges of what was previously possible. Additionally, the adoption of the non-fungible token (NFT) is serving as a medium for diversifying income, building community, and fostering new modes of growth.

Editorial, Media and Publishing

A growing challenge faced by news and media outlets has been the incremental demise of advertising revenues with the proliferation of ad blocking technology, the commodification of content being consumed across more channels than ever, as well as the rising dominance of social platforms in terms of collective attentional mindshare.

People hate ads and subscription models only go some way towards capturing the value being generated…

