The Problem With Big Data

Geek Culture
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2022

Your personal data is not secure as you think.

Image source by Starline

Big data is a large amount of data that can be in a structured or unstructured format. This data, which is in most cases personal data, can be collected from many different sources, either directly or indirectly.

In the first scenario, users submit their data voluntarily by filling out a form or agreeing to certain service preferences. Indirect data collection is usually represented by buying data from third parties.

The term big data is somehow related to user behavior analytics or predictive analytics. Which makes users’ data a source to build a successful marketing campaign for a brand. Even manipulate the targeted user if their data reached the wrong hands.

From another perspective, big data could be useful in different fields. Like healthcare, science, and natural disasters.

By applying the modern technologies of data collection and analysis. We can save millions of lives and improve the quality of life for billions of people around the world.

The operation of collecting and managing big data could be a bit complex for the public, but actually, it is not. It is so simple that anyone with access to the internet is a part of it. It is every piece of information that we share online.

If you shared your opinion on Twitter about the last episode of that TV show, or you had to wait for 15 minutes to get your order in the new restaurant downtown. These are valuable pieces of information for at least one company.

Whether, how much did you spend on your last order from Amazon, and how many times you used your credit card this week. Your financial situation can be identified and saved as data on some server waiting for the right opportunity to be useful.

The tech giants, especially Amazon, Google, and Meta. Play a huge role when it comes to the volume and variety of data collected from their users. If you want a brief history of someone’s relations, address, financial situation, and emotional state. It is defiantly in possession of at least one of these companies.

But the question is, is our data safe in these companies’ hands? We have seen several cases of misusing users’ data. Including giving third parties access to our data without any permission.

Usually, tech companies share this data for more personalized advertisements to make more profit. Which we have gotten accustomed to but it is still concerning.

It is not a matter of privacy, it is further a serious security issue. Sharing personal data in this irresponsible manner will lead to a bigger problem. Considering the security disparity in different companies, with our data traveling from one party to others. Our data may get leaked at some point. It may be a data breach or someone with bad intentions. Who’s going to share this data with unauthorized parties for personal profit.

With this accelerated growth of big data and the diversity of data sources. We moved from one mobile device that is single data source, to an entire smart home that is connected to the network and collecting data consistently.

Today, big data is generating an entire database for each one of us, to predict and simulate personal preferences and future decisions.

Big data is growing while ignoring privacy and security upgrades. Yet, it seems like technology companies do not intend to make tangible enhancements to their data privacy and security policies.

At this point, it is your responsibility as a user to set limits. Whether for what personal information you will let flow on the internet. Or which devices will you agree to keep tracking your routine.

