The Quick and Sweet, Always Up-to-Date Windows 11 FAQ

All the facts, some commentary, lots of links about Microsoft’s next operating system

Kostas Farkonas
Geek Culture


For an operating system allegedly less than three months away we still do not know a lot about Windows 11. Here’s what we do know. (Image: Microsoft)

So! Windows 11 is coming whether people like it, need it or not — and there’s still much we do not know about Microsoft’s operating system that will be taking the mantle from Windows 10, the world’s most popular computer OS right now. After taking a few questions about it from friends and colleagues I did a quick search and found out that there’s not a single FAQ in all of about Windows 11, so I decided to publish one.

Here it is. The whole point of it is being concise, so one can quickly find the answer to specific questions he/she may have, and being always up-to-date, meaning that any new relevant information published by Microsoft should find its way here in a timely manner.

At the end of this story, I took the liberty of including the Windows 11 stories I’ve published on Medium so far. Take a look at those too if you feel like it!

[Version 1.0, updated 16/07/2021]
[Version 1.1, updated 30/08/2021]
[Version 1.2, updated 31/08/2021]

What is Windows 11?
It is the successor to Windows 10. It is based largely on the same code but offers a redesigned…



Kostas Farkonas
Geek Culture

Veteran journalist, project kickstarter, tech nut, cynical gamer, music addict, movie maniac | Medium top writer in Television, Movies, Gaming |