The SEO Guide By Yasir (Part 3)

Yasir Gaji
Geek Culture
Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2023

Technical Optimization.

Image Representation Of Technical Optimization By Yasir Gaji
The Technical Optimization Image By Yasir Gaji

Why = To rank in the top 1% of the search engine results.
How = Website/App loading speed, mobile optimization, image compression rate.

That’s all there is to know about technical search engine optimization. But given this is a Yasir’s guide, Yasir is willing to put you through how to go about the “How” and enhance the “How” of technical search engine optimization. without any further ado let’s dive in.

7 most important things to consider as regards technical optimization:

Improving your website architecture would improve the overall user experience you offer your users/clients/customers which in turn translates to ranking as the top 1% in the search engine, so it’s really important to plan out an organized structure that helps place pages, features, and categories of your website concisely and appropriately for the search engines.

Website speed is also quite important because your website speed improves your user’s experience and improved user experience translates to improved SEO ranking, most search engines have a speed test feature in their algorithm that penalizes websites/webpages that are slow to load. Using tools like Pagespeed insight by Google to check your website’s speed rate and find out what’s slowing down your website helps.

URL structure must be SEO-friendly as this is a vital aspect of technical optimization. Ensure your URLs are relevant to the pages on your website, specifically consistent and ideal to the pages, add the most relevant keyword in the page to the URL(if feasible), and most importantly keep the URL short.

The E.A.T score plays a crucial role in determining your website's rank in search results and to earn a high score your website needs to be seen as a trusted voice within the industry of your product. For instance websites like Youtube and Wikipedia are considered trusted voices in their respective sectors of offering information but they’re both still in the same industry of information, this niche in both websites would be determined by their E.A.T scores for the search engines. Ensure to work on this.

HTTPS encryption boosts your website’s rank in search results, according to statistics 93% of the top 1% ranked pages in the search engine are secured through HTTPS encryption also given that 70% of the searches made on the world wide web are done via the Google search engine and google now displays a warning whenever a website isn’t secure which is a bad user experience and like we’ve covered in the initial parts of this series bad user experience equals bad search engine performance ranking.

Schema Markup codes allow search engines to understand webpages better and it enhances accuracy in search results, this is because search engines understand schema data much better than plain text. Ensure to use schema markup.

Mobile responsiveness and optimization is a priority as it aids search results, meaning it would be the primary version source in which search engines would crawl this is because search engine algorithms now prioritize mobile searches. Ensure to compress your images for mobile responsiveness, and don’t enable unnecessary interstitial popups for your website’s mobile versions, as most search engines penalize this feature because they slow down the speed of your website in mobile view and sometimes they cause navigation issues for the mobile device.

2 most important tools to consider as regards technical optimization:

Google search console is a piece of technology that simply helps you identify and understand why and how your website performs on google search ranks.

Google Analytics is used for monitoring the performance of your website to confirm if the changes you make to your website are effective.


Content Management System(CMS) based website aids indexing and crawling of your website/app by search engines more accessible, faster, and more accurately.

I expect questions for clarification and how-tos. Kindly criticize and make corrections as well. Share Thank you.

Notes & References

If you only have a maximum of just 3 to 5 pages on your website you don’t have to consider the architecture.
E.A.T means Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness.
Ensure your website's internal links have anchor tag labels that are keyword(s) rich.
How to use google search console from google.
HTTPS means hypertext transfer protocol secure.
Ensure to redirect your website pages once you encrypt with HTTPS.

