The Top 3 Books to Read if you actually Want to Understand Blockchain

Aliza Rosenfelder
Geek Culture
Published in
4 min readJul 27, 2021


More tech, less hype

Executium via Unsplash

Jack Dorsey just said that the ultimate goal of Bitcoin is world peace. Now either he’s auditioning for Miss America or there’s something about Bitcoin’s underlying technology that uniquely captures people’s imagination. However, bitcoin and blockchain have a problem. They’re fundamentally misunderstood. To Warren Buffett it is rat poison squared whereas many others look to it as a potential saviour against institutional corruption.

Now which is it? Only time will tell, though I do know one thing absolutely. If you’re going to put your money into something you should at least know what you’re buying. Whether you want to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum or even a Katy Perry None-Fungible Token, it cannot hurt to have an understanding of both the technology that underpins it and the marketplace in which it’s for sale. This is why I’ve selected the three books below if you’re interested in blockchain.

To be clear, I’m not associated with any project and am not using affiliate links. I’ve been interested in Bitcoin technology since 2017 and have found these books helpful to my understanding. There are many good books and passionate people out there and I know I’m only scratching the surface.

1. Mastering Bitcoin

