The Ultimate Guide to Developing an App Like TikTok

Ankita kapoor
Geek Culture
Published in
8 min readMay 4, 2022
How to Make an App Like TikTok
How to Make an App Like TikTok

Hey, so you’ve seen the viral video app TikTok and you think it would be cool to develop something like that! You’re not alone. App developers are constantly creating new apps to keep their users engaged, and developing an app like TikTok is no exception to this rule.

The question, though, remains:

how much does it cost to develop an app like TikTok?

And how can you get one developed and up and running in record time?

These questions (and many more) will be answered in this ultimate guide on developing an app like TikTok!

What Is TikTok?

What Is TikTok?
What Is TikTok?

Lots of people have been inspired by TikTok to create an app of their own. TikTok is a video sharing app that lets users create and share videos online. This allows people to upload and shoot videos, after which they can edit their videos as many special effects, filters, and more are available.

Further, TikTok is a great opportunity to display one’s talent and share knowledge with a broad audience. In the settings, users can save the videos for playback later. In the short time since it’s been launched, the platform has already become very popular.

Five Steps to Developing an App Like TikTok

One of our readers, who wanted to develop an app like TikTok, check out the URL in my profile description a while back asking how to get started and what it takes to develop an app like TikTok. We decided to do some research and found five easy steps that you can follow to develop an app like TikTok. These steps include choosing a platform, developing your concept, getting investors, building your app and finally marketing.

Before we jump into these five steps in detail we will start with an introduction about what TikTok is and how it works for those who aren’t familiar with it. …

In addition to taking advantage of online resources there are many different ways to develop an app like TikTok but at its core developing an app requires software development skills which isn’t something most people have so it makes sense for most people wanting to develop an app like TikTok to outsource development work. This doesn’t mean you can’t develop apps yourself but if developing apps is not your thing then outsourcing development work may be your best option.

The final cost of developing a mobile application depends on many factors including which platforms you want support for (Android, iOS or both), where you plan on selling or distributing your application (Apple App Store or Google Play) and whether or not you need native features such as push notifications or integration with social media platforms. When developing an app you should consider carefully whether or not you should develop an Android app, iOS app or both.

Most experts agree that developing two separate apps costs more than developing one cross-platform app. However cross-platform apps are often criticized for being subpar compared to native applications and it is important to note that most major players like Instagram and Facebook only develop their applications for one platform.

The total cost of developing an app will depend on several factors including platform(s) supported, complexity of your idea and whether or not you hire developers to develop your app from scratch or choose to use a pre-made template/framework instead. It is also important to keep in mind that you don’t just pay once when developing an app; maintenance fees are required throughout each stage of development.

If you want to develop an app like TikTok here are 5 simple steps you can follow:

Five Steps to Developing an App Like TikTok

Step 1: Choose a Platform The first step to developing an app like TikTok is deciding which platform(s) you would like your application to run on. Both Android and iOS have very similar programming languages making them relatively easy to develop however Apple does impose stricter rules and guidelines than Google does making it harder for non-native English speakers without experience developing for Apple devices (or someone else who has experience developing for Apple devices) make money through their apps. While developing for Android is easier, developing for iOS is more lucrative due to higher sales volumes.

While there are other operating systems available they currently account for less than 2% of the market share worldwide meaning they won’t play a big role in determining which platform you should develop your app on. Another factor to consider when choosing a platform is whether or not you want your application to be able to function offline. While developing an app like TikTok means users can record videos even if they don’t have internet access it might be worth considering adding offline functionality regardless because users could download content onto their device before going offline and using that content later when they come back online.

Whether or not you decide to develop an app like TikTok for iOS or Android, you’ll need to decide which platform your application will be developed for first. You can develop for both platforms using a cross-platform framework like React Native but it is usually much cheaper and faster to develop an app for one platform and then port it over to another later on. Once you’ve chosen a platform you can move on to step 2.

Step 2: Develop Your Concept Next up is developing your app’s concept. A good way to think of your app’s concept is by comparing it to TikTok. TikTok allows users to create short video clips that can either be shared on social media or privately between friends and family members. The app is designed to be fun and easy to use which is why it’s so popular. To develop an app like TikTok you should focus on creating a concept that can provide users with a similar level of fun and ease of use.

For example, you could create an app that allows users to upload photos, add captions and stickers, and share their creations with friends or family members. Doing so will allow your application to offer a unique feature set that can help it stand out in a crowded marketplace. Now that you have your basic concept figured out it’s time to move on to step 3.

Step 3: Develop Your App The next step in developing an app like TikTok is actually developing your application! This step is when you’ll be spending most of your time and money so it’s important to be sure that you’re making smart decisions. The first decision you need to make is whether or not you want to develop your app from scratch or use a pre-made template or framework.

Developing an app from scratch will take longer and cost more but it will give you full control over every aspect of your application which can be useful if you want to develop a niche app that no one else offers. Using a pre-made template or framework will save time and money but it can limit what your application can do. Another thing to consider when developing an app like TikTok is whether or not you should use native code, cross-platform code, hybrid code, web code, etc.

Each type of code offers a different set of benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to weigh your options and decide which is right for you. Finally, you’ll need to consider how you want your app to make money. The most common monetization strategy is offering in-app purchases but there are plenty of other options available including subscriptions, ads, etc. Deciding on how you want your app to make money will have a huge impact on how it functions so be sure to spend time thinking things through.

Step 4: Market Your App The fourth step in developing an app like TikTok is marketing your application. This step is important because it’s what will determine whether or not your application succeeds. While developing an app like TikTok is a great start, you’ll need to make sure that people know about it in order for it to become successful.

There are many different marketing strategies available including social media advertising, search engine optimization, etc. but they all have their own pros and cons so be sure to do your research and figure out which ones will work best for you.

Step 5: Launch Your App The last step in developing an app like TikTok is launching your application! Launching your app will mark the end of development and kick off a whole new set of challenges that you’ll need to overcome if you want your application to succeed.

The first challenge you’ll need to overcome is making sure that your application is available on the app stores. This step is important because it’s what will make your application accessible to potential users.

The second challenge you’ll need to overcome is making sure that your application performs well. This step is important because it’s what will ensure that people stick around and continue using your app. The third challenge you’ll need to overcome is acquiring new users.

How Much Does it cost to develop an app like TikTok?

cost to develop an app like TikTok
cost to develop an app like TikTok

TikTok is an extremely popular social media app. If you’re interested in figuring out how much it would cost to make your own app like TikTok, a new website that estimates your investment based on your specifications is coming soon.

Development costs for an app are influenced by several different factors including the technologies used, the number of features and functionalities, the complexity of the design, and operating platforms. Costs for developing a simple app like TikTok can be as low as $20,000 and as high as $30,000+. It all depends on your needs and the hourly cost of the app developer and how long it will take to develop an app.

Once you know how long it takes to build an app, you can calculate how much the app will cost by multiplying the hours it takes to build an app by the cost of the developer. Depending on the expertise of the developer, it may cost you anywhere from USD 20 to USD 50+ per hour.

These cost estimations should be seen as the absolute final price and the possibility that app development costs can vary, depending on such factors, so a consultation should be made before committing to the process.


From looking at market data and surveys, it is reasonable to say that social media apps are making rapid progress with all age groups. Using the features of popular video creation apps, you can successfully make an entry into the social media market. So you need to hire an app developer who can convert your ideas into a functional app.

And the best software development company is Alcax Solutions, they have experience creating many apps that allow users to share videos on Android and iOS devices. As an expert and experienced company, we can turn your app idea into a fully-functional solution.

If you have any questions, then please Check out the URL which is mentioned in my profile description.



Ankita kapoor
Geek Culture

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