3 Best Backend Developer Tools You Should Use

Check out these tools that can increase your productivity as a backend developer

Jerry Ng
Geek Culture


Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash

Every developer has a toolset which we will use while coding. These are tools that we live and breathe with at our jobs daily, and chances are, we can’t work effectively without them.

For the most part, everyone has their favorite code editor like Vim, Sublime Text, Atom, VSCode, etc., I am not going to bring those up. Also, using Git is indisputable and I believe we are all on the same page.

This article will share some of my favorite tools that I use as a back-end developer. If you are looking for tools recommendation beyond VSCode and Git, read on.


Pricing: Free

Photo Credits: Docker

Long gone the days where you need to SSH into your production server and install the dependencies (i.e. Python, NodeJS, etc.) of your app before your application can run.

Today, with Docker image, we could easily package up our code and all its dependencies into a Docker container that can run quickly and reliably from one computing environment

