Top 5 Serverless AWS Services founders & Indie Hackers should know

Geek Culture
Published in
8 min readJun 21, 2021


Top 5 AWS Serverless Services

The goal of this article is to introduce you to the top 5 serverless AWS services which I think every tech-founder or Indie Hacker should know. This is not a deep dive on these services and I want to explain them in a high level fashion and tell you why they are worth using and learning. With these services you are able to build almost every web- and mobile application you can think of. Almost all high level programming languages such as Python, TypeScript, JavaScript and Java can be used with these services. So, let’s jump straight in.

Amplify CLI

Amplify CLI

I start with the obvious one, Amplify. Important to note is, that there are two (almost three) “services” called Amplify within AWS. We have to distinguish between:

  1. Amplify CLI: Bootstrap your backend
  2. Amplify Libraries (e.g. JS libraries): Frontend libraries for accessing AWS resources
  3. Amplify Console: CI/CD pipeline for frontend and backend

We talk about Amplify CLI here. With the Amplify CLI you are able to bootstrap your backend with a few commands within the Command Line Interface…



Geek Culture

Fullstack Engineer @Hashnode♠️ | Serverlesss Enthusiast 💻 | 📈 | 🐝