Top 9 .NET Development Tools and Libraries for Enterprise Development

Alex B
Geek Culture
Published in
5 min readApr 18, 2022
Top 9 .NET Development Tools and Libraries for Enterprise Development

Engineers across the world utilize the .NET framework. It implies that the number of accessible development tools and libraries will only multiply in the coming decades.

In any case, there are countless tools that look and work similarly, so it is a bit hard to settle on a decision, particularly assuming you are a beginner in the .NET application development services world.

For the teams that hire .NET developers, it requires extreme exploration to choose the right libraries for their enterprise application project. There are a large number of programming requirements that need different tools for development. Whether it’s an IDE for coding or for testing, these tools simplify the overall process of dotnet development services.

This article will highlight the top ASP.NET development tools that teams and engineers use while working with this amazing framework by Microsoft.

From a .Net software engineer’s point of view, these tools make it more straightforward for engineers to satisfy large numbers of their standard programming activities. These incorporate estimating code quality, fixing mistakes, and different other tasks connected with software application development.

Read more: ASP.NET MVC vs. ASP.NET Core: Which one is better for web development?

IDEs and Code Editors for .NET

IDEs and Code Editors are the development environment that developers use to write and implement the code. They are useful to write software applications and have several in-built features that simplify the development process.

Here are some of the best IDEs and Code Editors that a .NET development company uses during enterprise app development -

  • Visual Studio IDE
    Probably the most popular code editor for .NET, Visual Studio is a fully-featured development tool by Microsoft that permits you to create, adjust, and transport code from beginning to end. Microsoft proposes various payment plans for the IDE to enable individual developers and enterprises to use its rich toolset, including Visual Studio Community — free for individual engineers and non-organization companies restricted to five clients.
  • Visual Studio Code
    This is a lightweight version of Visual Studio IDE for developers who find the previous one overwhelming. It’s free and can be utilized in many designing situations, including cross-platform application development (Linux, Mac OS, Windows). Like Visual Studio, the code distributive backings IntelliSense code completion features, investigating, Git combination, and augmentations.
  • JetBrains
    The Rider is a somewhat youthful, restrictive (a 30-day preliminary trial software) .NET IDE. It upholds .NET and .NET Core applications on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Companies that offer ASP.NET development services suggest that Rider’s quick presentation, various platforms and runtime support, form control mix, and wide decompiling capacities make it perfect for enterprise applications. It runs well on Linux and supports a wide range of requirements: control center, web, and libraries.

Package Managers for .NET

Package Management support empowers persistent delivery of work processes by facilitating your bundles, modules, libraries, and so forth and making them accessible to your team, your stakeholders, and your deliveries. Along these lines, it’s a significant expansion to your .NET environment.

Here are the top package managers that fall under the net development tools list in this article -

  • NuGet
    NuGet is a package manager for .NET that permits you to get to different outsider or third-party libraries, or to make and share your own tools. With north of 98 thousand bundles at present accessible, it is the biggest data set of external components for .NET. NuGet smoothes out the delivery of external parts straightforwardly into your Visual Studio project at configuration time and contains an order line for CI/CD automated deployment.
  • NPM
    Package management is more than just about NuGet. Yevhenii Zabielyshynsky noticed that throughout the most recent couple of years, Microsoft Visual Studio added npm support notwithstanding the customary NuGet director to source libraries for web applications: It significantly impacts the Web project and empowers utilizing the advanced web practices, devices, and open-source code along with the backend composed on .NET Core.
  • Microsoft Web Platform Installer
    This free bundle utilized by developers makes it simple to get to the most recent parts of the Microsoft Web Platform, including IIS, SQL Server Express, .NET Framework, Visual Web Developer, and significantly more. The framework stays up with the latest updates via naturally introducing the most recent renditions of every component in the platform.

Read more: 7 Reasons to Use Microsoft .NET Framework for App Development

Other Tools and Libraries for .Net Development

While IDEs and package managers are an important part of .NET development for enterprise applications, there are several other tools that simplify the development process.

Here are some more tools in the .NET Core development tools list that enable developers to build better solutions using the framework -

  • SonarQube — For Code Quality
    SonarQube is an open-source static code audit instrument, really great for examining the .NET code. It comprises a bunch of static analyzers, a data store, and an entryway where you can deal with your specialized obligation. Alongside its solid community, SonarQube gives extra analyzers that can be added as modules. Simple to arrange and design, SonarQube has rich underlying principle sets: coding guidelines, best practices, data protection, and conventions.
  • ReSharper — For Code Assessment
    JetBrains has made this extension of Visual Studio called ReSharper to help designers in .NET coding. It is one of the tools for .NET engineers, which offers the capacity to survey code quality and quickly find and fix issues. It additionally has a great deal of alternate routes for quick refactoring and route. Resharper permits users to offer unmatched help to all major programming languages like C#, XAML, JavaScript, C++, TypeScript, JSON, ASP.NET MVC, XML, HTML, CSS, Protobuf, NAnt and MSBuild scripts, and more.
  • .NET Reflector
    .NET Reflector is a notable .NET decompiler and static analyzer. One of the best .NET framework development tools, It is additionally accessible as a Visual Studio extension and is quite possibly the most valuable tool for .NET engineers. The advantage of utilizing the .NET reflector is to troubleshoot your program and find issues. It might venture into external code written in Visual Studio. It ought to be referenced that the.NET reflector could assist with simplifying code components.


There are hundreds of tools that developers can choose from while offering net development services. A software development company has a standard set of tools that are utilized by all .NET development teams to ensure they can achieve standard results. The above 9 tools are primarily used by engineers who are focusing on application development without any hassle.



Alex B
Geek Culture

Shardul has been in tech industry for over 18 years. He has worked with some of the global leaders like Mastercard, CIGNEX, and others.