Top books to break into cloud computing on AWS

Growing your cloud skills the old-fashioned way

Michaël HOARAU
Geek Culture
Published in
11 min readMar 30, 2022


Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

Since 2006 and the announcement of Amazon S3 storage service general availability, cloud computing has moved a very long way from a technology purely dedicated to mere infrastructure and utility. “The cloud”, is now one of the faster way to accelerate the pace of innovation for digital pure players, technology startups or large iconic industrial groups alike. The learning resources are numerous: I for one, have been an avid user of Udemy, Udacity, Whizlabs or A Cloud Guru to name just a few. In addition, sifting through free resources provided by Amazon Web Services, I can dive deep into a set of technologies.

But sometime, there’s nothing better than having a mentor guiding you in your first steps taking a dent into a new service, programming language, or approach…

What if you’d like to design and build an industrial data lake to collect your sensor data and provide them after a timely fashion to thousand of end users? What about artificial intelligence? Where do you start? Beyond this, you also need to have a good command of security and authentication mechanisms. After all, you wouldn’t want your successful idea to be set aside because it’s not considered secured enough by your target audience? What about costs and financial…



Michaël HOARAU
Geek Culture

Industrial AI solution architect at AWS. Time series lover. Willing to support more stories?