Top Business Benefits of PHP for Web Development in 2022

Ankita Kapoor
Geek Culture
Published in
8 min readJan 28, 2022

With PHP being the most widely used web programming language, it’s easy to forget that it will be twenty-eight years old in 2022. In the tech world, that’s an eternity, but in business, it’s barely any time at all. If you’re currently using PHP or considering using it in the future, you might be wondering what the top benefits of using this technology are.

Did you know PHP held a market share of 45.41% in 2021? It ranks first and is undoubtedly the king of programming languages. The infographic below supports these facts and depicts the significance of PHP in the programming world. Have a look:

Source- Statista Programming language software share

PHP has come a long way ever since its inception, so analyzing the top benefits of PHP in 2022 is an exciting & thoughtful aspect. There are ways that we can investigate & make educated guesses about the possible PHP benefits in 2022.

Here’s our breakdown of these top business benefits of PHP in 2022. Hopefully, they’ll encourage you to start using this robust language to meet your business’s needs today!

Top 8 Pros of Using PHP

#1. Open-Source: Proven Inexpensive Option

Manage multiple domains for one low price. The great thing about open source is: it’s available to change, so your business website can grow and evolve as you do. Website hosting options are abundant, with a ton of options out there offering everything from C-Panel (the most popular), as well as Plesk, Virtualmin, and SolusVM.

Database servers like Amazon RDS can also let you use managed databases on AWS Lambda with ease. It leaves ample time to focus on developing your site instead of driving your server.

#2. Tons of Database Options: Lets You Choose the Most Suitable One

No matter how good your data is, it’s not going to amount to much if you don’t have a solid database to hold it. Several factors play a vital role when determining which type of database is best for your needs.

Depending on your budget, work needs, and audience, several types of databases can suit you — from cloud-based MySQL and PostgreSQL services to hosted Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle databases.

Source: Statista- Most Popular DBMS

The important thing is that whatever database you choose matches your needs from a performance and cost perspective. In addition, consider hosting options such as Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform.

PHP benefits include tons of options when it comes to databases. Depending on your budget and needs, you can use MySQL, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server, or PostgreSQL for your web development task.

Note: When choosing a database for your web application, it is essential to consider which type of database works best with the programming language you are using.

PhpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin are two popular open-source applications that allow you to manage databases via a web interface using PHP scripting language.

#3. An Abundance of PHP Experts: Lower Costs of Developers

The demand for experienced and knowledgeable web developers who can create quality websites is increasing rapidly. These web developers get hired by leading companies to work on their projects. The market for freelance developers has grown significantly during the past few years.

As there are a lot of skilled PHP developers available in today’s market, the competition is stiff. PHP developers settle at affordable salaries lowering the overall project cost. As a result, enterprises receive world-class talent at a reasonable budget.

It is otherwise rare to have enough highly skilled professionals at affordable prices in other technologies. It allows companies and businesses with a small budget to expand their business horizon by launching new and exciting projects.

The abundant availability of PHP talent drives down project costs, making it affordable for entrepreneurs with small start-up capital. Surprisingly, You can hire PHP developers at an hourly rate as low as $15 per hour. It makes it easier for them to focus on high-value development, such as building an application, rather than spending money on recruitment.

The abundance of PHP talent also ensures that enterprises can rely on a dedicated team instead of freelancers who might not have enough time or energy to devote to your project. Many organizations choose permanent staff over hiring freelancers because they want more control over executing projects.

#4. Tons of Plugins Facilitating Quicker Development Cycle

With over 30,000 plugins and themes available, there’s a whole host of functionality for you to explore for free. Not only that, but since it’s open-source software, developers can contribute their plugins and themes as well. Open-source software is also constantly improving to offer up better features and performance over time.

With such comprehensive options available for open source software, it pays off for developers who want to get ahead because they’ll have access to a compelling platform that grows every day as more people discover its usefulness!

#5. Reduced Load Time by Using High Speed & Reliable Hosting Services

One of the main reasons many businesses don’t prefer using PHP for web development is its slow loading speed. However, with lots of affordable hosting services available for PHP developers these days, you can reduce your load time by a great deal.

For example, some advanced hosting services use CDN (Content Delivery Network) to deliver your web pages from different servers placed all around to cut download time and bandwidth.

Apart from that, you can also use several caching plugins for WordPress to lower your page-loading time without any loss in quality or performance levels.

Source: Statista- Top Hosting Providers

Although you may think that hiring a PHP developer or changing to a new host might incur extra costs, it saves money while improving your business performance!

#6. Leverage Cloud compatibility for Higher Accessibility

Cloud technologies are fundamentally shaping web development and business applications. In 2022, we may see a future where every company employs cloud-based solutions to take advantage of ubiquitous computing.

The growing popularity of PHP is due to its optimized performance for cloud computing and its outstanding security features. Cloud hosting solutions also offer unique scalability, allowing companies to add or remove servers as needed and react quickly when demand increases or decreases.

It makes it easier for businesses to utilize all available resources without wasting capital on unused server space. While they’re common today, these advantages were virtually nonexistent ten years ago — but thanks to cloud technologies, they have become more critical by 2022.

#8. PHP Offers Excellent Combinability with HTML

PHP has a range of functions that make it easy to work with HTML. You can create dynamic web pages by entering data into simple HTML form fields and then parsing them with your PHP scripts.

Many websites use WordPress for content management, which is based on PHP. For example, developers can write an SQL query that returns data from a database and then displays those values using HTML tables and pre-defined CSS classes.

It makes it easy to create highly dynamic interfaces without writing a single line of code. And since almost all website templates are written with HTML, it’s easy to integrate with design solutions.

#9. Experience High Flexibility

You can use PHP to build both small and large websites. So, you can use PHP for all kinds of sites, whether it is a small forum or a big shopping site. In addition, PHP has a variety of advanced functions to make your code more readable, efficient, and reliable.

With PHP and its numerous frameworks, highly skilled developers can code any size website efficiently and quickly. Most of all, they are ready to convert any new or old projects into modern applications that boost flexibility, speed, and reliability of websites at a very competitive price point with high-quality services.

The professionals have proven their expertise in dealing with the latest industry requirements making them trustable for investment.

That was all about the pros of using PHP. However, to make an informed decision, you also need to focus on the cons of this technology.

Cons of Using PHP

#1. Suffers from Lack of Modern Libraries

Over time, using PHP or any programming language might become outdated. One of such challenges for many programmers is the lack of modern libraries. Lacking modern libraries affect an organization’s productivity and efficiency significantly.

Although it has been upgraded version to version, it fails to keep up with other new programming languages while they gain massive popularity among developers and are widely used.

A reliable toolkit is necessary for executing advanced tasks efficiently in web development, which has seen its downfall due to weak library support and slow progressions.

#2. Stiff Competition from Python

While speed is becoming a more critical factor, it’s hard to deny that Python offers faster frameworks. While hosting WordPress sites on shared hosting is cheaper, most web application development requires a virtual private server (VPS) or dedicated server.

Python is a beginner-friendly language & plenty of people know how to code and are ready to work for lower wages than their PHP counterparts.

Over to You

For a decade, PHP has been one of the most preferred programming languages for web development. Along with PHP, many businesses have flourished and become leading enterprises.

So, if you are looking to develop an online store that would run on an array of devices smoothly, opt for a PHP development company at affordable prices.

This way, you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues while developing your website. With such overwhelming possibilities offered by PHP, it is believed that it can rule as one of the most popular programming languages till the next five years, at least if not more…



Ankita Kapoor
Geek Culture

Hey, I’m Ankita, a tech blogger working with ValueCoders who loves to share her extensive tech-related knowledge with like-minded people.