Trading Cryptocurrencies is Bad. HODLing is Even Worse. Ambushing is the Best.

Do not follow the HODLers herd. Ambush instead.

Mohammed Ayar
Geek Culture


Photo by Alesia Kozik from Pexels altered by Author

I’m not going to indulge in the definition of HODLing, as clicking on this article is in itself proof that you are already familiar with the terminology.

Otherwise, check out this exclusive HODL post.

Now, I’ll cut to the chase and say it bluntly: HODLing is a fallacy.

HODLing hurts the blockchain.

I can agree with HODLing gold, but never cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies enable transactions without going through a financial institution. These transactions are executed over the blockchain.

Blockchain is a decentralized, tamper-proof, append-only public digital ledger. Quite a mouthful! But don’t worry, I’ll only use the “append-only” feature to get my message across.

Append-only means that the blockchain is updated only through the addition of new blocks. These blocks are stuffed with transactions.

The problem with HODLing is that it works against the blockchain.

HODLing literally means parking coins in the blockchain for a long time. The average HODLing period, according to what I see…



Mohammed Ayar
Geek Culture

Software and crypto in simple terms. Ideas that make you think.