Transactional Data Lakes — a Comparison of Apache Iceberg, Apache Hudi and Delta Lake

Chouaieb Nemri
Geek Culture
Published in
10 min readJan 1, 2023


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One of the most important decisions in building a data lake is choosing the format in which data will be stored, as it can significantly impact the performance, usability, and compatibility of the system. By carefully considering the format of data storage, we can enhance the functionality and performance of the data lake.

There are several different options available, each with its own unique features and capabilities. In this blog post, we will be doing a thorough comparison of three popular data lake technologies: Delta Lake, Iceberg, and Hudi.

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Which problem do Data Lake formats solve?

When it comes to data lakes, choosing the right data storage format is crucial. It can significantly impact the performance, usability, and compatibility of the system. Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg, and Delta Lake are three of the top options currently available, each designed to address specific challenges in data lake management. These challenges include:

  • Atomic transactions: Ensuring…

