Type Hints in Python: Beginners Guide

With easy to follow examples

Erdem Isbilen
Geek Culture


Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Type hints, also known as type annotations, are completely optional in Python. Yet, there are some benefits of using them in your code.

In this article, I will try to explain what is type hinting in Python and why you should use them. To reinforce your understanding, I will be providing easy to follow examples along with theory.

Once you finished reading this article hopefully, you will get an understanding of how type hints can be used, and how they can help you in your projects.

What is type hinting?

Let’s start with the basics.

The type term used in Python refers to the object type.

Well, what are objects then?

Objects are mainly things containing data and the functions act on that data. As an example; an integer object in python can store integer values and you can perform some tasks with that object, such as doing arithmetic calculations.

Objects have strict types. You cannot store a string value in an integer object type as this is not allowed in that specific type. But names we use in our code can point to any object type. You have to spend some time reviewing the code to understand how a specific name can be…



Erdem Isbilen
Geek Culture

Machine Learning and Data Science Enthusiasts, Automotive Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, https://www.linkedin.com/in/erdem-isbilen/