Types of Machine Learning Questions In A Data Science Interview & How To Prepare for Them

What To Expect In The Machine Learning Interview

Youssef Hosni
Geek Culture


There are tons of machine learning courses and study materials out there on how do you stay focused and be efficient in your interview preparation. Throughout this article, we will go over the four kinds of machine learning problems in data science interviews as well as some of the most commonly asked questions. The four kinds of machine learning problems are:

  • Machine learning basics
  • Resume-Based Machine Learning Questions
  • Machine Learning Coding Questions
  • Applied Machine Learning Problems

The first two types can appear in any data science interviews and the last two types are more common for algorithm or machine learning-focused data scientist positions. Having this categorization in mind you can stay focused and not let the amount of information overwhelm you.

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Table of Contents:

  1. Machine Learning Basics Questions
  2. Resume-Based Machine Learning Questions
  3. Machine Learning Coding Questions
  4. Applied Machine Learning Problems

